Abilis CPX configuration and supervision are made through the Control Port: after opening the connection, it is possible to send commands and get answers. This paragraph describes the main rules that set up the command language of the Control Port commands interpreter.
it is possible to log in to the Control Port by using three different privilege levels, each of them has got a set of allowed operations:
The following paragraphs will show the login level that can execute the commands provided by the Control Port commands interpreter.
A command is represented by a series of characters, ending with <CR> (carriage return), sent to Abilis CPX.
The answer is a series of characters sent by Abilis CPX, which contains the requested information; every answer is ended by
a line containing the prompt of the Control Port commands interpreter.
In the following examples the highlighted characters are sent to Abilis CPX, the others are sent by Abilis CPX.
[11:33:39] ABILIS_CPX: D P PO:1 <CR> PO:1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYNC LOG:DS int:V35 CLK:INT SP:19200 CODING:NRZ MPX:NO IDLE:FLAG FDCD:500 FCTS:500 mode:FULL RTSDLY:0 CD:NO E1-FRAMING:CRC4 HAUL:SHORT CH:0-31 frame:2100 d-rxbuf:14 dma-rxbuf:10 dma-txbuf:1
[11:33:39] ABILIS_CPX: S P PO:1 FRAME:4000 <CR> PO:1 INVALID VALUE 'FRAME:4000'
Commands are divided into the following groups:
Group | Group ID | Action | Minimum privilege level required |
Add commands | A | Add configurations to the tables. | Administrator |
Reconfiguration commands | BOOT | Activate default configurations. | Administrator |
Clear/delete commands | C | Delete configurations from the tables and clear the statistics. | Administrator |
Copy commands | COPY | Copy among homogeneous configurations. | Administrator |
Display commands | D | Display tables configurations and statistics. | User |
Search commands | F | Search configurations in tables. | User |
Re-initialization commands | INIT | Components re-initialization owing to configuration changes. | User |
Elements list managing commands | LIST | Elements list management. | Administrator |
Move commands | M | Change position of configuration within the tables. | Administrator |
Restart commands | R | Activate inactive components. | User |
Set up commands | S | Set up the tables configurations. | Administrator/Super-User |
System commands | (see further) | System general management or activation of special functions. | (see further) |
Excluding the system commands, each command executes its action on objects.
Objects are divided into the following classes:
Object class | Class ID | Action |
Active resources (ports, boards) | ACT | Access tables of the active boards and ports. |
COR Connections | C and CE | Access state of Connection Oriented Router (COR) communication sessions. |
Board parameters | CARD | Access board parameters. |
Cause and diagnostic code | CODE | Access cause and diagnostic codes of communication sessions. |
Encryption/Decryption keys | CRKEY | Access table of cryptographic keys. |
CPU load percentages | CPU | Display current CPU load percentages. |
Ports description | D and DE | Display information about IP, link and protocol ports. |
DHCP bindings | DHCP BIND | Allow to manage DHCP bindings management. |
DHCP hosts | DHCP HOST | Access table of DHCP hosts. |
DHCP subnets | DHCP LAN | Access table of DHCP subnets. |
DHCP profiles | DHCP PROF | Access table of DHCP profiles. |
EIR connections | EC and ECE | Access table of EIR connection in progress. |
EIR groups | EG | Access table of EIR groups. |
EIR Cluster identifiers | EID | Access table of EIR Cluster identifiers. |
EIR routing | ER and ERE | Access table of EIR routing. |
FTP Virtual Root Paths | FTP PATH | Acess table of FTP Virtual root paths. |
FTP Virtual Path's Access Rights | FTP RIGHTS | Acess table of FTP Virtual Path's Access Rights. |
General parameters of the system | G | Access table of general parameters of the system. |
HTTP Virtual Root Paths | HTTP PATH | Acess table of HTTP Virtual root paths. |
HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights | HTTP RIGHTS | Acess table of HTTP Virtual Path's Access Rights. |
System information | I | Display information about the system and files on floppy disk. |
Inactive resources (ports, boards) | INACT | Access tables of the inactive boards and ports. |
IP access list | IPACL | Access the IP access list. |
IP Routing administrative distance | IPAD | Access the table of IP Routing administrative distancies. |
IP ports | IPP | Access table of IP ports. |
Dynamic IP routing | IPR | Access table of IP routings. |
Static IP routing | IPRS or SIPR | Access table of the Saved static IP routings. |
IP Source routing | IPSR | Access table of the IP source routings. |
IP statistics | IPS | Display IP statistics. |
Elements of the list | ITEM | Access table of Elements lists. |
System Log | L | Access System Log. |
Events Log on disk | LDD | Access Events Log saved on disk. |
Events Log in memory | LDM | Access Events Log stored in the memory. |
Exceptions Log | LE | Access Exceptions Log saved on disk. |
Elements lists | LIST | Access table of Elements lists. |
NAT Alias entries | NAT | Access table of NAT Alias entries. |
OSPF Areas | OSPF AREA | Acess table of OSPF Areas. |
OSPF External routes | OSPF EXTERNAL | Acess table of OSPF External routes. |
OSPF Hosts | OSPF HOST | Acess table of OSPF Hosts. |
OSPF Neigbours | OSPF NEIGH | Acess table of OSPF Neighbours. |
OSPF Ranges | OSPF RANGE | Acess table of OSPF Ranges. |
OSPF Virtual Links | OSPF VL | Acess table of OSPF Virtual links. |
IPSEC Policies | OSPF POLICY | Acess table of IPSEC Policies. |
IPSEC Security Associations | IPSEC SA | Acess table of IPSEC Security Associations. |
IKE Hosts | IKE HOST | Acess table of IKE Hosts. |
IKE Clients | IKE CLI | Acess table of IKE Clients. |
IKE Preshared Keys | IKE PSK | Acess table of IKE PSK. |
Port parameters | P | Access port parameters. |
PCI boards | PCIDEV | Display information about system PCI boards. |
PVC connections | PVC | Access table of PVC connections. |
SVC routing | R and RE | Access table of SVC routing. |
RIP External routes | RIP EXTERNAL | Acess table of RIP External Routes. |
Working resources (ports) | RUN | Access table of working ports. |
States | S and SE | Access state of the communication ports. |
Compression statistics | SC | Access compression statistics. |
Time | T and TE | Access local date and time of system. |
TDM assignations | TDM | Access table of TDM assignations. |
Connections among ports | TREE | Display the current state of the connection among the protocol and link ports. |
Tone Trace | TT | Activate/deactivate the Tone Trace. |
USER entry | USER | Access the Users Access Control table. |
VOICE connections | VC | Access table of Fxs/Fxo VOICE connections in progress. |
Software version in use | VER | Display software version currently working on the system. |
Data ports for VOICE | VD | Access table of data ports for VOICE. |
VOICE groups | VG | Access the VOICE groups table. |
VOICE routing | VR | Access the VOICE routing table. |
WG Bridge routing | WGB | Access the Wireless to G.703 Bridge Routings table. |
Excluding the system commands, the others observe the following simple rule for setting the command:
<group ID>_< class ID>_[parameter:value]_..._[parameter:value]
where "_" stands for space character.
Each class can accept all the commands groups or only a part of them; a detailed list in given later on. Regarding parameters and the allowed values for each coupling group/class, it is necessary refer to the proper section, which deal with them.
System commands do not follow the rules above mentioned. The consequences, those commands could have on system operating mode, suggested to ask for their extended digitation, in such way, to reduce to the minimum the chances to send them by mistake.
System commands are, in alphabetic order, the following:
Command | Action | Minimum privilege level required |
ALARM RESET | Activate the recovery procedure of those errors which generated the alarm. | User |
ALARM VIEW | Show ports that are in error conditions. | User |
CALL PO: | Set up a connection on the specified port. | User |
CLOSE | Tear down the connection with the Control Port. | User |
CONFLOG BACKUP | Allow to backup configuration and log files to the floppy disk (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
CONFLOG RESTORE | Allow to restore configuration files from the floppy disk (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
DEBUG BM | Display the content of Boot Manager configuration file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
DEBUG CPXRUN | Display the content of CPX runs configuration file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
DEBUG FILE | Display statistics information about system files. | Administrator |
DEBUG IRQ | Display statistics information about interrupts. | Administrator |
DEBUG MEM | Display statistics information about memory. | Administrator |
DEBUG PO: | Display debugging information about the ports. | Administrator |
DEBUG TASK | Display statistics information about the tasks. | Administrator |
DEBUG WDGMEM | Display statistics information saved in case of system critical situation detected by the Watchdog. | Administrator |
DISC PO: | Open a connection previously activated on the specified port. | User |
EXIT | Quit execution of the off-line configuration program. | User |
FILE COPY | Allow to make a copy of a file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
FILE DELETE | Allow to delete a file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
FILE GET | Activate file transferring from CPX to remote destinations through the XModem protocol. | Administrator |
FILE PUT | Activate file transferring from remote destinations to CPX through the XModem protocol. | Administrator |
IPTRACE ACT | Activate TCP/IP events tracing. | Administrator |
IPTRACE CLEAR | Clear the content of the TCP/IP events trace. | Administrator |
IPTRACE DISPLAY | Display the content of the TCP/IP events trace. | Administrator |
IPTRACE INACT | Deactivate TCP/IP events tracing. | Administrator |
IPTRACE START | Start the TCP/IP events trace. | Administrator |
IPTRACE STOP | Stop events tracing. | Administrator |
LOGIN | Display current login privilege level. | User |
LOGIN ADMINISTRATOR | Make possible the user to access the Administrator login level. | User |
LOGIN SUPERUSER | Make possible the user to access the Super-User login level. | User |
LOGIN USER | Make possible the user to access the User login level. | User |
LOGOUT | Close the current configuration session and ask for a new log-in. | User |
PAR PO: | Display parameters currently used by the PAD port specified. | User |
PING | Ping the IP address specified. | User |
QUIT | Quit execution of the off-line configuration program. | User |
RESTART SYSTEM | System closet connections eventually on, and restarts. | Administrator |
SAVE CONF | Save current configuration on disk. | Administrator |
SAVE CONF BACKUP | Make a backup of the configurations currently saved on disk. | Administrator |
SAVE CONF TEST | Save current configuration on disk as test configuration. | Administrator |
SAVE DEBUG | Save Events Log on disk. | Administrator |
SOUND DISABLE | Disable acoustic signal generation in case of alarm situations. | User |
SOUND ENABLE | Enable acoustic signal generation in case of alarm situations. | User |
START L | Activate System Log real-time displaying. | Administrator |
START LDM | Activate Events Log real-time displaying. | Administrator |
SYS COMPACT | Directory re-compating operation. (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS COMPACTR | Directory re-compating operation, recursive. (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DELETE PACKAGE | Delete a package file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DELETE VERSION | Delete a version directory (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DIR | List the content of a directory (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK CHK | Check HD/CF integrity (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK FORMAT | Drive format operation (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK INFO | Display HD/CF information (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK LABEL | Drive label setting (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK PARTITION ADD | Add HD/CF partition(s) (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK PARTITION INFO | Display HD/CF partition(s) information (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISK PARTITION RESET | Reset HD/CF partition(s) (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISPLAY BOOT | Display current Boot Manager configuration (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISPLAY BOOT LOG | Display current Boot Manager log file (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISPLAY PACKAGES | Display available package files (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS DISPLAY VERSIONS | Display available versions (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS FLPFORMAT | Floppy disk format (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS SET BOOT VERSION | Set the next version to be loaded (Available only on HD/CF based systems). | Administrator |
SYS UPDATE | Update system software. | Administrator |
TRACE ACT | Activate internal events tracing. | Administrator |
TRACE CLEAR | Clear the content of the internal events trace currently saved. | Administrator |
TRACE DISPLAY | Display the content of the internal events trace currently saved. | Administrator |
TRACE DISPLAY EXTENDED | Display, in extended format, the content of the internal events trace currently saved. | Administrator |
TRACE GET | Transfer internal events trace, currently saved, from CPX to remote destination through the XModem protocol. | Administrator |
TRACE INACT | Deactivate internal events tracing. | Administrator |
TRACE PARAM | Display parameters of the trace functions currently active. | Administrator |
TRACE PARAM SAVE | Save current values of trace functions parameters. | Administrator |
TRACE PARAM SET | Set up saved values of parameters of trace functions. | Administrator |
TRACE START | Start internal events trace. | Administrator |
TRACE STOP | Stop internal events trace. | Administrator |
TRACERT | Trace an IP racket path towards a specified address. | User |
VALIDATE | Execute configuration validating. | User |
WARM START | System immediately restarts. | Administrator |
For all commands, either if they are system commands or not, a contextual online help function is available. By typing the "?" character, all the information, needed to correctly compose the commands, are displayed.
As already mentioned, the help function is contextual, this means the help message displayed depends on the "?" character position in the command line. If, for example, only the "?" character is digitated, a list of key words that can be placed at the beginning of the command row is displayed. A brief description of them is also given:
[11:33:39] ABILIS_CPX: ? ALARM Alarm operations A Add operations BOOT Boot operations C Clear operations CALL Open a Connection CLOSE Close current CP session CONFLOG Configuration and log files backup/restore COPY Copy port configuration D Display operations DEBUG Debug operations DISC Close a Connection F Find operations FILE File copy/delete/get/put operations INIT Init operations IPTRACE TCP/IP Trace operations LIST Lists operations LOGIN Log-in operations LOGOUT Log-out operations M Move operations PAR Active Parameter operations PING Ping command RESTART System Restart operations R Restart operations S Set operations SAVE Save operations SOUND Sound disable/enable operations START Start real-time logging operations SYS System operations TRACE Trace operations TRACERT Trace route command VALIDATE Current configuration validation WARM System warm start operations
Inserting the "?" character in a more advanced position in the command line, only those key words and their description, allowed by the command language to be place in that position and after on, will be displayed.
For example, if "?" is digitated after the key word "ALARM", a list of all the key words, allowed to be placed after "ALARM", is displayed:
[10:07:11] ABILIS_CPX: ALARM ? VIEW Alarm view RESET Alarm reset
The following example shows how it is possible, through digitation "?" in successively different positions, to have a complete description of setting the "Add" SVC routing command:
[11:36:27] ABILIS_CPX: A ? CRKEY: Encryption/Decryption key identifier [1..63] D IP and/or CPX ports description DHCP DHCP profile/subnet/host EG EIR Group ER EIR Routing FTP FTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights HTTP HTTP Virtual root paths/path's access Rights IPACL IP Access List IPAD IP Routing Administrative Distance IPP: IP Port identifier [0..63] IPR IP Routing LIST: CPX list name NAT NAT alias entry OSPF OSPF area/range/neigh/host/external route PVC PVC Connection R SVC Routing RIP RIP external route TDM TDM Switch USER: User name. Max. 32 ASCII characters. VD VOICE Data port VG VOICE Group VR VOICE Routing WGB WG Bridge Routing [11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: A R ? PR: SVC Routing priority [0..99] [11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: A R PR: ? SVC Routing parameters: POI: Input port [0..999, *, NONE] CGI: Input calling address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'] CDI: Input called address [0..9, *, #, ?, 'list'] UDI: Input user data field [0..9, a..z, A..Z, *, #, ?, 'list'] PIDI: Input PID [Hexadecimal, *, #] POO: Output port [0..999, *, #, NONE] CGO: Output calling address [0..9, *, #] CDO: Output called address [0..9, *, #] UDO: Output user data field [0..9, a..z, A..Z, *, #] PIDO: Output PID [Hexadecimal, *, #] FFO: Output Facility field [Hexadecimal, *, #] COMP: Compression protocol [NO, MBIT, QLLC] NEXT: Alternative routing indication [N or NO, Y or YES] IPDEST: Destination Ip Address [0-126.x.x.x, 128.x.x.x-223.x.x.x, #] IPSRC: Source Ip Address [0-126.x.x.x, 128.x.x.x-223.x.x.x, *, 'list'] [11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: A R PR:1 POI:301 POO:302 COMMAND EXECUTED
The "?" character has to be separated by one or more spaces from the previous word.
Configuration validating has been introduced to ensure correct Abilis CPX configurations.
By validation it is meant the explicit execution of a series of congruence controls made by Abilis CPX on all the configuration information.
Base controls on the type and the interval of values, allowed by the configuration parameters, are implicitly carried out by configuration commands, however exists a series of verifications that cannot be executed during the normal routine of configuration. That's why is available a procedure that activates a set of deepened and more complete controls. Particularly, configuration parameters of cards and boards are subject to validation.
The output of the validating procedure can be positive without demanding modifications to the configuration, or it is possible that the validation detects some incongruency or imprecision in the configuration.
If the validation detects imprecision that it can directly correct, the outcome of the command is however positive. But in such case, the procedure expects the displaying of informative messages which signal the changes, made on the configuration during the validation, to the User.
If the validation detects serious incongruencies, in the configuration, that cannot automatically be corrected, the outcome of the command is negative. In such case the procedure expects the displaying of error messages for signalling the detected errors to the User.
A command for the explicit execution of the validating procedure exists; moreover configuration commands implicitly execute configuration validating before saving it on disk. The commands, which execute this procedure, are:
Command | Description |
VALIDATE | Validation of current configuration, without saving. |
SAVE CONF | Saving, by previous validation, the current configuration. |
SAVE CONF TEST | Saving, by previous validation, the current configuration (for testing it). |
D TREE | Displaying, by previous validation, the current connections state among protocol and Link ports. |
Here are some examples about the execution of implicit and explicit validation.
Example N.1
The following example shows a successful explicit validation; the procedure required some changes in the configuration (changing parameters values owing to other parameters values either of the same port or different ports connected to it; or caused by incongruency with the port
[11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: VALIDATE VALIDATION IN PROGRESS ... PO:201 changed "N1" from 144 to 528 because PO:301 "PS" = 512 PO:1 changed "FRAME" from 144 to 528 because PO:201 "N1" = 528 PO:1 changed "CODING" from NRZI to NRZ because PO:201 is LAPB VALIDATION SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED
The procedure has modified the value of the parameter "N1:" of port 201 since it is in relation with parameter "PS:" of port 301 connected to it.
The procedure has modified the value of parameter "FRAME:" of port 1 since it is in relation with the parameter "N1:" of port 201 connected to it.
The procedure has modified the value of parameter "CODING:" of port 1 since it is in relation with the type of port 201 connected to it.
Example N.2
The following example shows an explicit validation failed because of some, particularly serious, errors detected in the configuration (inconsistent setting of two parameters of the same port, incongruency between the parameter and the port type, sharing resources among two or more ports):
[11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: VALIDATE VALIDATION IN PROGRESS ... ERROR: PO:1 conflicting setting between "CODING" = NRZ and "CLK" = PCLK ERROR: PO:302 invalid "LOWPO" = 321 type ERROR: PO:321 "LOWPO" = 1 crossed setting VALIDATION FAILED
The procedure has detected a conflict between the value assigned to the parameter "CODING:" and the one given to "CLK:" of port 1.
The procedure has detected the type of port 321, connected to port 302 through the parameter "LOWPO:", to be not valid.
The procedure has detected that the parameter "LOWPO:" of port 321 has been assigned to a number of port already in use.
Example N.3
The following example shows an unsuccessful configuration saving because the implicit validation procedure, that has been executed, failed:
[11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: SAVE CONF VALIDATION IN PROGRESS ... ERROR: PO:1 conflicting setting between "CODING" = NRZ and "CLK" = PCLK ERROR: PO:302 invalid "LOWPO" = 321 type ERROR: PO:321 "LOWPO" = 1 crossed setting PO:202 changed "LOWPO" from 2 to NONE because PO:202 not used VALIDATION FAILED SAVE NOT EXECUTED
The saving procedure of current configuration has implicitly executed the validating configuration.
The validation procedure has detected, in the current configuration, some errors not recoverable: it failed.
The saving procedure has not been executed.
Example N.4
The following example shows a saving procedure of configuration for testing it. It is successful, even if the implicit validation procedure, executed by it, has detected some configuration incongruency:
[11:36:31] ABILIS_CPX: SAVE CONF TEST VALIDATION IN PROGRESS ... PO:1 changed "FRAME" from 144 to 2100 because PO:321 is SDLC PO:1 changed "L1RXBUF" from 14 to 10 because PO:321 is SDLC PO:201 changed "LOWPO" from 1 to NONE because PO:201 not used VALIDATION SUCCESSFULLY EXECUTED SAVE TEST EXECUTED
The saving procedure of configuration for testing has implicitly executed a validation of configuration.
The validation has detected recoverable incongruency in the current configuration, it made the needed changes and it was successful.
The saving procedure of configuration for test aim has been executed.