PLINKE stands for Permanent Link Emulation. As the name suggest, PLINKE port is used to provide the P-Link service,
i.e. the service provided by Synchronous (SYNC) ports, to the upper layer port while using an IP
network for the actual packet transport.
The upper layer port of a PLINKE is the Multi Link Manager (MLM) port.
PLINKE uses the IP/UDP protocol, which is provided in the Abilis CPX by the UDP port.
Typical applications of this service are:
PLINKE is optimised for the Abilis Data and Voice Multiplexing (MPX protocol), which provides very good results for tunneling Voice over IP and Voice over the Internet.
The PLINKE driver of Abilis CPX works in four operating modes:
PLINKE ports are identified by the mnemonic "PLINKE" and are provided with the parameters described in this section.
Here is an example on how to display PLINKE ports parameters. It shows default configuration of four PLINKE ports, one for every operative mode.
[15:02:45] ABILIS_CPX:D P PO:PLINKE PO:401 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE LOWPO:902 MODE:STD D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 LOCPORT:2101 REMPORT:2100 OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( REMIPADD:# PO:402 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:SINGLE LOCPORT:2102 REMPORT:2100 OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( REMIPADD:# PO:403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT-SERVER D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:SINGLE LOCPORT:2103 REMPORT:2100 CLI-ID:# OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( PO:404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT-CLIENT D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:SINGLE LOCPORT:2104 REMPORT:2100 ID:R-ID ( OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( REMIPADD:#
In case of Extended mode, Extended SERVER and Extended CLIENT modes, an additional set of parameters are shown when the PATH: is set to "DOUBLE".
Double path's default parameters values are shown in the sample below:
[16:57:08] ABILIS_CPX:S P PO:402,403,404 PATH:DOUBLE COMMAND EXECUTED [16:57:19] ABILIS_CPX:D P PO:402,403,404 PO:402 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) -------------------------- PLINKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:DOUBLE LOCPORT:2102 REMPORT:2100 OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( REMIPADD:# OUT-IPP2:AUTO LOCIPADD2:R-ID ( REMIPADD2:# PO:403 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) -------------------------- PLINKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT-SERVER D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:DOUBLE LOCPORT:2103 REMPORT:2100 CLI-ID:# OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( OUT-IPP2:AUTO LOCIPADD2:R-ID ( PO:404 - Not Saved (SAVE CONF), Not Refreshed (INIT) -------------------------- PLINKE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOWPO:902 MODE:EXT-CLIENT D-TOS:NONE V-TOS:DELAY C-TOS:DELAY MPX:NO RS-BUF:10 D-TOUT:3000 V-TOUT:100 PATH:DOUBLE LOCPORT:2104 REMPORT:2100 ID:R-ID ( OUT-IPP:AUTO LOCIPADD:R-ID ( REMIPADD:# OUT-IPP2:AUTO LOCIPADD2:R-ID ( REMIPADD2:#
The "Not Saved (SAVE CONF)" message is displayed every time the port configuration is modified but not saved with the SAVE CONF command.
The "Not Refreshed (INIT)" message is displayed every time the port configuration is modified but not refreshed with the INIT PO: command.
All PLINKE parameters are displayed by upper case characters, this means that changes made on these parameters are immediately active and it is not needed to restart the system.
LOWPO: | Lower CPX port |
Default value | 0..999, NONE |
It sets the Abilis CPX lower layer port. It can only be an UDP port.
Value "NONE" isolates the PLINKE port.
MODE: | Operating mode |
Default value | STD, EXT, EXT-SERVER, EXT-CLIENT |
It sets the port working mode.
Token | Working Mode |
STD | Standard mode. Driver works only with the remote side in the standard mode. |
EXT | Extended mode. Driver works only with the remote side in the extended mode. |
EXT-SERVER | Extended-server mode. Driver works only with the remote side in the extended-client mode. |
EXT-CLIENT | Extended-client mode. Driver works only with the remote side in the extended-server mode. |
D-TOS: | DATA frames Type Of Service |
Default value | NONE, COST, REL, THR, DELAY |
This parameter specifies the Type Of Service assigned to DATA frames.
V-TOS: | VOICE frames Type Of Service |
Default value | NONE, COST, REL, THR, DELAY |
This parameter specifies the Type Of Service assigned to VOICE frames.
C-TOS: | LINK-CHECK frames Type Of Service |
Default value | NONE, COST, REL, THR, DELAY |
This parameter specifies the Type Of Service assigned to LINK-CHECK frames.
MPX: | Abilis MPX protocol activation |
Default value | NO, YES |
It allows to activate the VOICE/DATA multiplexing, as per ABILIS MPX protocol.
If set to "NO", multiplexing is disabled; if the PLINKE port receives LINK-CHECK or VOICE frames type, it will discard them because they cannot be forwarded.
RS-BUF: | Size of receive buffer for out-of-sequence frames |
Default value | 1..100 Kbytes |
For the extended modes only, it sets the size (in Kbytes) of the buffer where the received frames are "parked" during the re-sequentialisation process.
The default value is optimal when the PLINKE is used only for VOICE services
The maximum value, 100 Kbytes, is strongly suggested when PLINKE is used for data or for voice/data traffic.
D-TOUT: | Time limit for out-of-sequence DATA frames parking (Only for MODE:EXT/EXT-SERVER/EXT-CLIENT) |
Default value | 0..10000 msec |
The IP networks do not guarantee that packets are received in the same order that they are sent, therefore a re-sequentialisation procedure must be adopted. Unfortunately packets may also never arrive, e.g. because they were lost, therefore it is necessary to have a time limit to prevent deadlocks.
Packets which arrive "too late" will be discarded and counted as "OUT-SEQ - DATA IN"
When 0 is used, only "in sequence" packets are accepted: the re-sequentialisation procedure will never wait for "out of order" packets, but it guarantees that packets deliver to upper layer are in the correct order, although with "holes".
V-TOUT: | Time limit for out-of-sequence VOICE frames parking (Only for MODE:EXT/EXT-SERVER/EXT-CLIENT) |
Default value | 0..500 msec |
The IP networks do not guarantee that packets are received in the same order that they are sent, therefore a re-sequentialisation procedure must be adopted. Unfortunately packets may also never arrive, e.g. because they were lost, therefore it is necessary to have a time limit to prevent deadlocks.
Packets which arrive "too late" will be discarded and counted as "OUT-SEQ - VOICE IN"
When 0 is used, only "in sequence" packets are accepted: the re-sequentialisation procedure will never wait for "out of order" packets, but it guarantees that packets deliver to upper layer are in the correct order, although with "holes".
PATH: | Single/double path variant activationn (Only for MODE:EXT/EXT-SERVER/EXT-CLIENT) |
Default value | SINGLE, DOUBLE |
This parameters allows the Single/Double PATH variant selection. It allows to activate the sending/receiving VOICE/DATA/LINK-CHECK datagrams by two paths in EXT/EXT-SERVER/EXT-CLIENT modes.
Token | Working Mode |
SINGLE | SINGLE-PATH variant is used. |
DOUBLE | DOUBLE-PATH variant is used. |
LOCPORT: | Local UDP port number for incoming/outgoing UDP packets |
Default value | 1..65535 |
It sets the local UDP port used by the PLINKE port to "listen" for incoming packets.
It is not possible that two or more UDP services "listen" on the same port and IP address, which is of course valid for PLINKE ports too. User must set different values for each configured port.
The VALIDATE command can be used to verify that such duplications are really not present.
This port is used as source in sent packets and must be present as destination in the received packets.
REMPORT: | Remote UDP port number for incoming/outgoing UDP packets |
Default value | 1..65535 |
It sets UDP port on which the remote PLINKE can be reached.
This port is used as destination in sent packets and must be present as source in the received packets
ID: | Identification IP address sent by the Client to the Server (Only for MODE:EXT-CLIENT) |
Default value | R-ID, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
This is a "static" IP address of the client that client sends to the ext-server for identification.
The EXT-CLIENT mode uses this parameter plus LOCPORT: to identify itself to the server.
Possible values are swhoewn in the table below:
Value | Meaning |
R-ID( | Router-ID as reported by IPRTR | - - |
Any valid unicast IP address |
CLI-ID: | Client identification IP address (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER) |
Default value | #, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
This is a "static" IP address of the client that ext-server uses as client identification.
The EXT-SERVER uses this parameter plus REMPORT: to match the client identification.
Possible values are swhoewn in the table below:
Value | Meaning |
# | CLI-ID IP not set. Since identifier of the client is not, none clients can connect | - - |
Any valid unicast IP address |
OUT-IPP: | Output IP interface |
Default value | AUTO, 0..63 |
It sets the output IP interface.
If this parameter is set to "AUTO", the UDP packets will be routed through IP routter routing table.
If an IP port value is defined, the UDP packets will be forced to be sent out from the specified IP interface.
GW: | Gateway (Only for OUT-IPP: not equal to "AUTO") |
Default value | #, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It is the IP address of the Gateway to be used when OUT-IPP: is not equal to "AUTO".
When OUT-IPP: is not equal to "AUTO" the driver must set the GW field of the UDP packet equal to 0.
Allowed values are shown into the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
LOCIPADD: | Local IP address for incoming/outgoing UDP pakets |
Default value | R-ID, OUT-IPP, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It specifies which of the router's IP address the PLINKE will use as:
The "R-ID" value means: use "router-id". Note that the display of the parameters will show, between round brackets, the current router-id value.
The "OUT-IPP" value means: use the IP address of the IP port through which the packet is sent out. There can be several situations where this option is useful, but there is one where it is mandatory: when using dialup PPP connections with dynamic assignment of the IP address.
Valid IP addresses, out of the addresses of the IP ports, that can be set are shwon in the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
The "legal" IP addresses are those of the IP ports (IPADD: in IP port configuration) plus the router-id.
This address is used as source in sent packets and must be present as destination in the received packets
REMIPADD: | Remote IP address for incoming/outgoing UDP packets (Only for MODE:STD/EXT/EXT-CLIENT) |
Default value | #, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It sets the remote IP address.
The "#" value correspond to a "not configured" remote IP, that is a remote PLINKE to connect to is not configured.
The others allowed values are shown into the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
This address is used as destination in sent packets and must be present as source in the received packets
OUT-IPP2: | Second output IP interface (Only for PATHS:DOUBLE) |
Default value | AUTO, 0..63 |
It sets the output IP interface for the second path.
If this parameter is set to "AUTO", the UDP packets will be routed through IP routter routing table.
If an IP port value is defined, the UDP packets will be forced to be sent out from the specified IP interface.
GW2: | Second gateway (Only for PATHS:DOUBLE and OUT-IPP2: not equal to "AUTO") |
Default value | #, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It is the IP address of the Gateway to be used when OUT-IPP2: is not equal to "AUTO".
When OUT-IPP2: is not equal to "AUTO" the driver must set the GW field of the UDP packet equal to 0.
Allowed values are shown into the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
LOCIPADD2: | Second IP address that the Local PlinkE will use as "source address" for the path 2 (Only for PATHS:DOUBLE) |
Default value | R-ID, OUT-IPP, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It specifies which of the router's IP address the PLINKE will use as:
The "R-ID" value means: use "router-id". Note that the display of the parameters will show, between round brackets, the current router-id value.
The "OUT-IPP" value means: use the IP address of the IP port through which the packet is sent out. There can be several situations where this option is useful, but there is one where it is mandatory: when using dialup PPP connections with dynamic assignment of the IP address.
Valid IP addresses, out of the addresses of the IP ports, that can be set are shwon in the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
The "legal" IP addresses are those of the IP ports (IPADD: in IP port configuration) plus the router-id.
This address is used as source in sent packets and must be present as destination in the received packets
REMIPADD2: | IP address of the Remote PlinkE for the path 2 (Only for MODE:STD/EXT/EXT-CLIENT and PATHS:DOUBLE) |
Default value | #, 1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x |
It sets the remote IP address for the path 2.
The "#" value correspond to a "not configured" remote IP, that is a remote PLINKE to connect to is not configured.
The others allowed values are shown into the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
IP addresses of class D and E are not currently supported.
This address is used as destination in sent packets and must be present as source in the received packets
Example on how to show state and statistics of a PLINKE port through the command D S:
[15:02:53] ABILIS_CPX: D S PO:403 . PO:403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE STATE:DOWN MODE:EXT-SERVER PATHS:DOUBLE PATHSTATE:DOWN CUR-REM:-/- TOUT:0 PATHSTATE2:DOWN CUR-REM2:-/- TOUT2:0 -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| CHR | 0| 0|FRM | 0| 0| IP-CHR | 0| 0|IP-FRM | 0| 0| BAD-SRC | 0| |NO-SERV | 0| | CLI-TOUT | 0| |CLI-REMAP | 0| | -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------| MISSING | 0| 0| 0| NOBUF | 0| 0| 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0- 20 | 0 ( 0% ) | 151-200 | 0 ( 0% ) | 21- 50 | 0 ( 0% ) | 201-300 | 0 ( 0% ) | 51-100 | 0 ( 0% ) | 301-600 | 0 ( 0% ) | 101-150 | 0 ( 0% ) | 601-xxx | 0 ( 0% ) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The following example shows how to display extended statistics of a PLINKE port through the command D SE:
[16:30:05] ABILIS_CPX: D SE PO:403 . PO:403 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLINKE --- Cleared 000:00:01:09 ago, on 19/07/2004 at 16:28:58 ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tunnel payload -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| CHR | 0| 0|FRM | 0| 0| CHR-D | 0| 0|FRM-D | 0| 0| CHR-V | 0| 0|FRM-V | 0| 0| CHR-C | 0| 0|FRM-C | 0| 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IP level counters (actual IP traffic) -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| IP-CHR | 0| 0|IP-FRM | 0| 0| IP-CHR-D | 0| 0|IP-FRM-D | 0| 0| IP-CHR-V | 0| 0|IP-FRM-V | 0| 0| IP-CHR-C | 0| 0|IP-FRM-C | 0| 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Errors -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| LONG-D | 0| 0|LOST-D | 0| | LONG-V | 0| 0|LOST-V | 0| | LONG-C | 0| 0|LOST-C | 0| | BAD-SRC | 0| |NO-SERV | 0| | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special counters for extended mode -----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---|-----------|---INPUT---|--OUTPUT---| CLI-TOUT | 0| |CLI-REMAP | 0| | V-CHR-NOPT | 0| 0|D-FRM-ENC | 0| 0| V-CHR-OPT | 0| 0|V-FRM-ENC | 0| 0| V-SAVED% | 0| 0|C-FRM-ENC | 0| 0| V-FRM-OPT | 0| 0| | | | -----------|--DATA IN--|-VOICE-IN--|-CHECK IN--|-----------------------| MISSING | 0| 0| 0| TOUT | 0| 0| 0| NOBUF | 0| 0| 0| OUT-SEQ | 0| 0| 0| REORDERED | 0| 0| 0| BAD-FORM | 0| 0| | RESYNC | 0| 0| 0| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Time arrival variation of voice frames after reordering (msec.) ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0- 20 | 0 ( 0% ) | 151-200 | 0 ( 0% ) | 21- 50 | 0 ( 0% ) | 201-300 | 0 ( 0% ) | 51-100 | 0 ( 0% ) | 301-600 | 0 ( 0% ) | 101-150 | 0 ( 0% ) | 601-xxx | 0 ( 0% ) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The information "Cleared DDD:HH:MM:SS ago, at DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS", referred by the extended statistics, shows the elapsed time from the last reset of the statistics (by the format "days:hours:minutes:seconds") and date/time of its execution (by the format "day/month/year" and "hours:minutes:seconds").
STATE: | Current overall state of the PLINKE paths |
It shows the current overall state of the PLINKE paths. This state is a result of PATHSTATE: and PATHSTATE2:.
State | Meaning | Values shown in: | ||
System Log | Debug Log | Display LCD | ||
DOWN | None of the path is working | not used | not used | DN |
READY | All the configured paths (1 or 2) are working | not used | not used | RD |
ONE-READY | Only one of the configured paths (1 or 2) are working | not used | not used | OR |
ERR | Software error, contact Abilis assistance. | not used | not used | NA |
MODE: | Current working mode of PLINKE driver |
It shows the current working mode of PLINKE driver:
Token | Working Mode |
STD | Standard mode. |
EXT | Extended mode. |
EXT-SERVER | Extended-server mode. |
EXT-CLIENT | Extended-client mode. |
PATHS: | Current state of Double-path variant |
It shows the current state of Double-path variant.
The "SINGLE" value means that Double-path variant is not active and statistics fields related to second path will not displayed in this case. The "DOUBLE" value means Double-path variant is activated.
PATHSTATE: | Current state of the path #1 |
It shows the current state of the path #1:
Value | Meanning |
READY | Registration to UDP successful. For EXT-SERVER CLI-IP must also be known and not timed out. |
DOWN | Registration to UDP failed. For EXT-SERVER also when CLI-IP is not known yet. |
READY-W | Path is active, but activity time-out occurred. Resets to READY state as soon as a new frame is received from client,
or falls to DOWN after a frame was sent out to CLIENT during READY-W and no frames back arrived with 15 seconds. Only for Extended-server mode. |
N/U | The path is unused. Because of the current implementation this can occur only for path #2. |
CUR-REM: | Path #1 real client's remote IP address and port (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER) |
see below |
This field display real client's remote IP address and UDP port, used to send datagrams to the extended-client for path #1.
The IP adress range is shwon in the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
The UDP port value range is [1..65535].
TOUT: | Seconds remaining to path #1 map timeout (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER) |
0-65355 |
This counter shows the amount of seconds remaining to path #1 map timeout.
PATHSTATE2: | Current state of the path #2 (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER and PATH:DOUBLE) |
It shows the current state of the path #2:
Value | Meanning |
READY | Registration to UDP successful. For EXT-SERVER CLI-IP must also be known and not timed out. |
DOWN | Registration to UDP failed. For EXT-SERVER also when CLI-IP is not known yet. |
READY-W | Path is active, but activity time-out occurred. Resets to READY state as soon as a new frame is received from client,
or falls to DOWN after a frame was sent out to CLIENT during READY-W and no frames back arrived with 15 seconds. Only for Extended-server mode. |
N/U | The path is unused. |
CUR-REM2: | Path #2 real client's remote IP address and port (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER and PATH:DOUBLE) |
This field display real client's remote IP address and UDP port, used to send datagrams to the extended-client for path #2.
The IP adress range is shwon in the following table:
HEX: | 01000000 - 7EFFFFFF | 80000000 - DFFFFFFF |
DDN: | - | - |
The UDP port value range is [1..65535].
TOUT2: | Seconds remaining to path #2 map timeout (Only for MODE:EXT-SERVER and PATH:DOUBLE) |
This counter shows the amount of seconds remaining to path #2 map timeout.
CHR: | Number of received/sent characters from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter CHR (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received. The counter CHR (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is sent.
CHR-D: | Number of received/sent DATA characters from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter CHR-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received. The counter CHR-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is sent.
CHR-V: | Number of received/sent VOICE characters |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter CHR-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received. The counter CHR-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is sent.
CHR-C: | Number of received/sent LINK-CHECK characters from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter CHR-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is received. The counter CHR-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is sent.
FRM: | Number of received/sent frame from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter FRM (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received. The counter FRM (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is sent.
FRM-D: | Number of received/sent DATA frames from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter FRM-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received. The counter FRM-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is sent.
FRM-V: | Number of received/sent VOICE frames from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter FRM-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received. The counter FRM-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is sent.
FRM-C: | Number of received/sent LINK-CHECK frames from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter FRM-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is received. The counter FRM-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is sent.
IP-CHR | Total number of incoming/outgoing IP characters |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-CHR (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the
IP/UDP overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
The counter IP-CHR (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the
IP/UDP overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
IP-CHR-D | Total number of incoming/outgoing DATA characters |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-CHR-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP
overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
The counter IP-CHR-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP
overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
IP-CHR-V | Total number of incoming/outgoing VOICE characters |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-CHR-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP
overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
The counter IP-CHR-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP
overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
IP-CHR-C | Total number of incoming/outgoing LINK-CHECK characters |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-CHR-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP overhead
(28 bytes) for each frame.
The counter IP-CHR-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHEK frame is received from UDP. The actual IP count is computed by adding the IP/UDP
overhead (28 bytes) for each frame.
IP-FRM | Total number of incoming frames from UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-FRM (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received. The counter IP-FRM (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a frame is sent.
IP-FRM-D | Total number of received/sent DATA frames |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-FRM-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is received. The counter IP-FRM-D (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is sent.
IP-FRM-V | Total number of received/sent VOICE frames |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-FRM-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is received. The counter IP-FRM-V (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is sent.
IP-FRM-C | Total number of received/sent LINK-CHECK frames |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter IP-FRM-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is received. The counter IP-FRM-C (OUTPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is sent.
LONG-D: | Number of too long DATA frames received/sent |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LONG-D (INPUT) is incremented every time the DATA frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LONG-D (OUTPUT) is incremented if the DATA frame received by the upper layer is too long.
LONG-V: | Number of too long VOICE frames received/sent |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LONG-V (INPUT) is incremented every time the VOICE frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LONG-V (OUTPUT) is incremented if the VOICE frame received by the upper layer is too long.
LONG-C: | Number of too long LINK-CHECK frames received/sent |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LONG-C (INPUT) is incremented every time the LINK-CHECK frame received by the lower level is too long. The counter LONG-C (OUTPUT) is incremented if the LINK-CHECK frame received by the upper layer is too long.
LOST-D: | Number of DATA frames sent and lost |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LOST-D (INPUT) is incremented every time a DATA frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.
LOST-V: | Number of VOICE frames sent and lost |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LOST-V (INPUT) is incremented every time a VOICE frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.
LOST-C: | Number of LINK-CHECK frames sent and lost |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter LOST-C (INPUT) is incremented every time a LINK-CHECK frame is discarded because there are no available receiving buffers.
BAD-SRC: | Number of received frames with bad IP address or wrong UDP source port |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter BAD-SRC (INPUT) is incremented every time a frame is received with bad remote IP address or wrong UDP source port (if remote IP address and UDP source port from received UDP datagram don't match remote IP address and remote UDP port from config).
NO-SERV: | Number of frames discarded owing to service unavailability |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
If the parameter MPX: is set to "YES", VOICE, DATA and LINK-CHECK multiplexing service is enabled.
If the parameter MPX: is set to "NO", only DATA multiplexing service is enabled.
The counter NO-SERV (INPUT) is incremented every time the received frame has format corresponding to the disabled type of the service.
CLI-TOUT | Number of downs of client side, detected on server side |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
This counter shows the umber of downs of client side, detected on server side.
CLI-REMAP | Number of immediate IP address/UDP port remapping during a valid map |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
If the SERVER knows a real remote IP address and UDP port of the CLIENT, it is in the valid map state. If the SERVER receives a valid datagram with the remote IP address and UDP port which one don't correspond to the previous values, the counter CLI-REMAP will be incremented.
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
D-FRM-ENC | Number of incoming/outgoing encapsulated DATA frames from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of received/sent frames containing more than one DATA frame. The counter D-FRM-ENC is incremented every time a frame, containing more than one DATA encapsulated frames, is received (INPUT) or sent (OUTPUT).
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
V-FRM-ENC | Number of incoming/outgoing encapsulated VOICE frames from/to UDP |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of received/sent frames containing more than one VOICE frame. The counter V-FRM-ENC is incremented every time a frame, containing more than one VOICE encapsulated frames, is received (INPUT) or sent (OUTPUT).
V-SAVED% | |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
V-FRM-OPT | Number of frames received/sent that carry more than one VOICE channel |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of VOICE frames received/sent that carry more than one encapsulated VOICE frames. The counter V-FRM-OPT is incremented every time a frame, containing more than one VOICE encapsulated frames, is received (INPUT) or sent (OUTPUT).
MISSING | Number of missing DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames when time-out expired |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of missing DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames when time-outs V-TOUT: (for the VOICE frames) and D-TOUT: (for the DATA frames) are expired (see also OUT-SEQ and REORDERED statistics).
TOUT | Number of lost DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of lost DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames. Time-outs V-TOUT: (for the VOICE frames) and D-TOUT: (for the DATA frames) are expired and queued DATA or VOICE frames must be sent to the upper layer but a sequence number of the first ready frame is not expected in sequence (some frames was missed).
NOBUF | Number of extended lost DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames in the extended working mode |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
This counter shows the number of DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames lost during the extended working mode. Receiving buffer could be full or the frame out of sequence.
OUT-SEQ | Number of OUT-OF-SEQ DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames received after time-out |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
This counter shows the number of DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames received after time-outs V-TOUT: (for the VOICE frames) and D-TOUT: (for the DATA frames) are expired (see also REORDERED statistics).
REORDERED | Number of DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames out of sequence before time-out expired |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
Number of DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK frames out of sequence before time-outs V-TOUT: (for the VOICE frames) and D-TOUT: (for the DATA frames) are expired (see also OUT-SEQ statistics).
BAD-FORM | Number of incoming encapsulated DATA/VOICE frames with bad structure |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The counter BAD-FORM is incremented every time a frame, containing more than one DATA or VOICE frames, is received with a bad format.
RESYNC | Number of resync DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK requests |
0 - 4.294.967.295 |
The number of resync requests from remote peer. Remote peer restarted with the re-synchronization of the sequence number of the DATA or VOICE or LINK-CHECK frames. The sequence number of the DATA/VOICE/LINK-CHECK packet made a very large jump. Normally sequence numbers are incremented at one every time a frame is sent by remote peer.
0- 20 | Number of frames received in time delay of 0-20 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
21- 50 | Number of frames received in time delay of 21-50 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
51-100 | Number of frames received in time delay of 51-100 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
101-150 | Number of frames received in time delay of 101-150 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
151-200 | Number of frames received in time delay of 151-200 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
201-300 | Number of frames received in time delay of 201-300 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
301-600 | Number of frames received in time delay of 301-6000 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |
601-xxx | Number of frames received in time delay > then 601 milliseconds |
0 - 4.294.967.295 (0 - 100%) |