Abilis CPX 2000, release 6.4

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.8

Released on December 4, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.7

Released on November 30, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.6

Released on November 9, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.5

Released on November 4, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.4

Released on October 8, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.3

Released on August 23, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.2

Released on August 14, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.1

Released on July 22, 2009.


Bug fixes

Abilis CPX 2000, update 6.4.0

Released on July 13, 2009.


  • Added support for a new BRI card.

    This card replaces all BRI-HFC2 and BRI-HFC2-H100 cards, 4 and 8 BRI ports.

IP load balancing
  • This feature allows to configure two or more IP resources in a per-packet load balancing scheme.

    Two methods are allowed:

    • RR: Round Robin. The packets are sequentially sent through the IP resources of the group.

    • WQ: Weighted Queue. The IP resource of the group with the shorter transmission queue of the same priority is used for the transmission of the packet under processing, otherwise packets are sent sequentially on the resources of the group.

    If an IP resource is of LAN type, thus with its own IPADD/MASK and with a gateway to be used on it, the gateway must be configured in the IPLB table.

    Here is an example of use of three IP resources, where IP-10 is LAN with gateway on, IP-11 is PPP, and IP-12 is DL:

    [12:23:48] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-10
           IPADD:  MASK:
    [12:24:00] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-11
           IPADD:RETRIEVE                                NEIGH:RETRIEVE                          
    [12:24:10] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-12
           IPADD:  MASK:   NEIGH:  
    [12:24:12] ABILIS_CPX:D IPLB
    ID:1   RULE:WQ  RES1:Ip-10       GW1:
                    RES2:Ip-11       GW2:#
                    RES3:Ip-12       GW3:#
                    RES4:#           GW4:#
                    RES5:#           GW5:#
                    RES6:#           GW6:#
                    RES7:#           GW7:#
                    RES8:#           GW8:#

    To use the load balancing it is enough to have a routing which routes packets to an IP resource which is part of an IPLB and packets will be automatically distributed among IPRES of the group.

    The routings for the locally connected networks, i.e. connected routings, are excluded from the IPLB:

    A routing that uses an IPLB indicates this condition by showing the IPLB in the “GW: or IPLB:” field of the D IPR output.

    [12:24:20] ABILIS_CPX:d ipr
    Destination routes and conditional source routes:
    |B|P|S|H|     NET:/MASK:     |      MASK: or      |       GW: or    |IP: |AD:|
    | | | | |                    |   SRNET:/SRMASK:   |      IPLB:      |    |   |
    |*|C| | | |    |                 |  12|  0|
    |*|C| | | |    |                 |  10|  0|
    |*|S| | |  |    |  (IPLB ID:01)   |  10|  1|
    | |C| | |                    | OUT-IP             |                 |D 11|   |
Last Calling Service (LCS)
  • This is a feature specifically intended for use with GSM/UMTS voice gateways, but it can be used with ISDN ports, CLUSTERS, as well as with SIP and IAX users.

    The concept is that for every call sent out through a CTIP/CLUS/SIP-user/IAX-user the called and calling numbers are stored. Later, when a call arrives from the previously called number, the last stored calling number replaces the called number. This action is executed within the CTIP/CLUS/SIP/IAX, thus the call reaches the CTIR with the called number already modified. Example:

    • CTIP 201 is part of LCS group 1.

    • CTIP 101 calls 12345678 via CTIP 201 and a routing with LCS:YES. The call to CTIP:201 has CG:01 and CD:12345678.

    • Call succeeds or fails, it does not matter, the pair CD:12345678 CG:01 is saved.

    • Call ends.

    • CTIP 201 receives a call from 12345678, i.e. CG:12345678 CD:<missing> (or whatever value).

    • A lookup is performed among the saved pairs to find a saved CD that matches the current CG. The match is found with CG:01 being the last one that called CD:12345678.

    • The CD is replaced with the saved CG, thus the incoming call from CTIP:201 now has CG:12345678 CD:01.

    • The call is now evaluated with the routing table.

    The number pairs are saved automatically in a file named LCSTABLE.DAT which is stored in the directory configured in CTISYS under lcs-dir: parameter.

  • The CTISYS holds a couple of system-wide parameters for the LCS service:

    [15:34:59] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys
    [15:37:21] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys ?
    LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [NONE, 1..999 hour]
    lcs-dir:   Last Calling number Service Working directory path.
               Physical full path in DOS notation, i.e. starting with a drive
               letter in the range ['A'..'Z'] and ending with the '\' character.
               Max. 128 characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
               Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation marks
               (E.g.: "C:\My dir\").
  • The Last Calling Service Groups (LCSG) are managed through the A/S/C/D LCSG commands. Please note that the LCSG configuration holds all the rules required to manipulate the TON for CD and CG. Example:

    [15:21:08] CPX_208:d lcsg
    ID: |[DESCR:]
        |CPS-LIST:              NAT-PREFIX:            INT-PREFIX:    COUNTRY-CODE:
        |CB-UNK-CDO:            CB-NAT-CDO:            CB-INT-CDO:
        |CB-SDO:                CB-SGO:                CB-CDO-DFT:
        |[CTI Ports, CTI Clusters, IAX users, SIP users]
     1   #                      0                      00             39
         ux'CALLING'            ux0'CALLING'           ux00'CALLING'
         *                      *                      *
         - CTI Ports --------------------------------------------------------------
         - CTI Clusters -----------------------------------------------------------
         - IAX users --------------------------------------------------------------
         - SIP users --------------------------------------------------------------
    [15:30:31] ABILIS_CPX:d lcsg ?
    ID:        Last Calling Number Service group identifier [1..32]    <Optional>
    Last Calling Number Service group parameters:
    DESCR:     Entry description. From 0 up to 70 ASCII extended characters.
               Spaces are not allowed. Case is preserved.
               Note: it is displayed only when not empty.
    CPS-LIST:  Name of an IN list holding Carrier Preselection prefixes or "#".
    NAT-PREFIX: National prefix. From 1 up to 6 digits (E.g. 0) or "#".
    INT-PREFIX: International prefix. From 1 up to 6 digits (E.g. 00) or "#".
    COUNTRY-CODE: Country code. From 1 up to 6 digits (E.g. 39) or "#".
    CB-PERMIT-CD: Permitted called numbers/prefixes for the back call.
               From 1 up to 20 characters, in the range ['0'..'9', '*']
               optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d,
               t, l, p] attributes or the name of a list between primes.
               The '*' is allowed only alone or as the last character.
               (E.g. ne1234567 or 4567* or * or 'my_list')
               See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
    CB-UNK-CDO: Call Back number for UNKNOWN type CALLING. "#" or up to 20
               digits ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c]
               and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or 'macro'.
               (E.g. CALLING or ne1234567 or ux'CALLING' or ux11'CALLING.S2')
               See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
    CB-NAT-CDO: Call Back number for NATIONAL type CALLING. "#" or up to 20
               digits ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c]
               and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or 'macro'.
               (E.g. CALLING or ne1234567 or ux'CALLING' or ux11'CALLING.S2')
               See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
    CB-INT-CDO: Call Back number for INTERNATIONAL type CALLING. "#" or up to 20
               digits ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c]
               and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes or 'macro'.
               (E.g. CALLING or ne1234567 or ux'CALLING' or ux11'CALLING.S2')
               See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
    CB-SDO:    Call Back called sub-address [AlphaNumExt, #, *] (E.g.: *, A123, #)
    CB-SGO:    Call Back calling sub-address [AlphaNumExt, #, *] (E.g.: *, A123, #)
    CB-CDO-DFT: Default call back number. "*" or up to 20 digits ['0'..'9']
               optionally preceded by TON [u, i, n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP
               [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
  • There is a new parameter in CTIP other than POTS (visible and configurable only with S/D CTIPE command), CLUS, SIP user, IAX user.

    [15:15:54] ABILIS_CPX:d ctipe:201
    [15:16:11] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctip:201 ?
    LCS-GROUP: Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32]
                                                 <Only for mode: not equal to Pots>
    [15:33:04] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl
    CLUS:    |[DESCR:]
    [Int]    |CG-IN-REWRITE:        |LCS-GROUP:            |CLIP-RULE:    |SS:
    line1     -                      1                      PRIVATE        NO
    [  1]     *
    [15:33:06] ABILIS_CPX:
    [15:18:02] ABILIS_CPX:d cticl ?
    LCS-GROUP: Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32]   
    [15:18:42] ABILIS_CPX:d user:user
    IAX-LCS-GROUP:      1
    SIP-LCS-GROUP:      1
    [15:18:42] ABILIS_CPX:d user:user ?
    IAX-LCS-GROUP: Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32]
    SIP-LCS-GROUP: Last Calling number Service group identifier [NONE, 1..32]
  • There are two new parameters in CTIR which have meaning only for the OUT part of the call. They controls if the CD: CG: pair must be saved and the duration of the pair.

    [14:58:35] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir 
    PR |[DESCR]
       |TYPE |POI/SR   [SR]    |POO/DS   |CDI                 |CDO
       |NEXT       |LAST |EEC  |T301|UDT |CGI                 |CGO
       |SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
       |SPOUT|SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI                 |SGO
       |FMRLY|FAXSP|MODSP|FMLVL|ECM      |IG  |OG  |SG        |DL  |DH
       |TI1 .. TI5
    0   *toV  *        *        201       0*                   'CDI.S2'
        NO          ANY   NO    Dft  NO   *                    *
        64000 Sys   *     *     Sys  Sys  *                    *
                                YES  Sys  *                    *
    [14:55:20] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir  ?
    LCS:       Enable/disable Last Calling number Service [NO, YES]
                        <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink, CtiH323, and CtiDisa>
    LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [Sys, NONE, 1..999 hour]
                        <Only for POO: not equal to CtiSlink, CtiH323, and CtiDisa>
  • The pairs are stored in a table which can be manipulated with the D/A/C LCST commands. In fact there is also the possibility to view the saved pairs as well as to manually insert and remove pairs.

    [18:03:42] ABILIS_CPX:d lcst
    Group|        Called        |       Calling        |   Updated on (GMT)  |Tout
         |                      |                      |  [Expiry on (GMT)]  |
    1     ux12345678             ux01                   16/04/2009 16:02:59   6
                                                        16/04/2009 22:02:59
    1     ux99999999             ux02                   16/04/2009 16:03:20   NONE
SIP T.38
  • Added support of SIP T.38 fax relay.

    It can be enabled and configured on CTISIP port as default behaviour, or on a per user basis:

    [21:19:57] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisip
           T38:YES                 T38-REDUND:REDUNDANCY   T38-PACKING:1
           T38-G711:NO             T38-REDUND-PCK:1
    [21:19:57] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisip ?
    T38:       Enable/disable T.38 support [NO, YES]
    T38-G711:  Enable/disable T.38 support with G.711 codec [NO, YES]
    T38-PACKING: Number of T.38 packets in UDP packet [1..4]
    T38-REDUND: Error recovery method [NONE, REDUNDANCY]
    T38-REDUND-PCK: Number of T.38 packets used for error recovery [1..4]
    [21:18:31] ABILIS_CPX:d user:user
    SIP-T38:            SYS
    SIP-T38-G711:       SYS
    SIP-T38-REDUND:     SYS
    [21:18:31] ABILIS_CPX:d user:user ?
    SIP-T38:   Enable/disable T.38 support [SYS, NO, YES]
    SIP-T38-G711: Enable/disable T.38 support with G.711 codec [SYS, NO, YES]
    SIP-T38-PACKING: Number of T.38 packets in UDP packet [SYS, 1..4]
    SIP-T38-REDUND: Error recovery method [SYS, NONE, REDUNDANCY]
    SIP-T38-REDUND-PCK: Number of T.38 packets used for error recovery [SYS, 1..4]
GPIO (Geneal Purpose Input Output), ePorter
  • Added support for a new USB device which is able manage a certain number of digital and analog inputs and outputs. One ore more devices can be used simultaneously.

    A manufacturing option of GPIO is named ePorter. It offers 30 n.o. outputs with a guard time protection, 6 AUX outputs, 2 interfaces for a 4 + n wires doorbell system and 2 FXO interfaces. The 2 FXO interfaces are usually connected to POTS ports of the Abilis CPX where the ePorter is connected.

    The GPIO-x USB device has to be added in configuration, this will automatically create the GPIO-x resource:

    [18:21:30] ABILIS_CPX:d dev
    ------------------ Active USB Devices and Physical Resources: -----------------
    Device(s)   Run Con Physical Resource(s) or CTI Port(s)    USBPORTID
    GPIO-1      Yes Yes Gpio-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0
    [18:31:56] ABILIS_CPX:_d p gpio-1
    RES:Gpio-1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:
           LOG:NO               ACT:YES              LIVE-EXPIRY:10
           - ePorter specific -----------------------------------------------------
  • The state of the inputs and outputs visible via the standard D D[E] commands.

  • The state of the outputs can be set using the S S RES:GPIO-x command:

    [18:41:52] ABILIS_CPX:_s s res:gpio-1 ?
    S S RES:Gpio-n par:val [par:val]     Set the status of a Digital Output Line of
                                         the specified Gpio resource
    L1:..L64:  Set status of Digital Output Line [ON, OFF]
  • All inputs and outputs can be managed through the GPIOPC (General Purpose Input Output Panel Control) driver.

GPIOPC (General Purpose Input Output Panel Control)
  • GPIOPC is an Abilis CPX resource that though HTTP/XML allows en external application to manage all inputs and outputs.

    [18:49:52] ABILIS_CPX:_d p gpiopc
    RES:GpioPc --------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:General_Purpose_I/O_Panel_Collector
           LOG:NO        ACT:YES  maxclients:10   XML-TOUT:60    XML-MIN-DELAY:50

    The HTTP/XML protocol is similar in principle to that of OPC (Operator Panel Control), the specifications can be obtained upon request.

CTISMS (SMS gateway for SMTP and for HTTP)
  • This new resource allows transmission and reception of SMS through GSM-BOX, UMTS-BOX and UMTS-BOX2.

    The messages can be routed to/from SMTP and from HTTP. In future other applications could be supported, for example sending of alarms or reception of commands.

    You have to activate and configure the CTISMS resource and the CTISMS routings:

    [19:04:34] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisms
           LOG:NO          ACT:NO       MAX-SMS-SPLIT:1     ALLOW-UNICODE:NO
    [19:08:32] ABILIS_CPX:d ctisms in
    PR: |ACT:   |CG:                     |DEST:    |LIFETIME: |HEADER:
        |RULE:  |TEXT:
    0    NO      *                        SMTP      21600      REMOVE
    [19:08:36] ABILIS_CPX:d ctisms out
    PR: |ACT:   |CD:                      |POO: |LIFETIME:|DELAY: |SPLIT: |UNICODE:
    0    NO      *                         201   1800      300     SYS     SYS
         SMTP    *
    1    NO      *                         201   1800      300     SYS     SYS
         FILE    *

    If you need the SMS<->SMTP gateway you also need to configure the related section in SMTP.

  • In SMTP there is a new section dedicated to the SMS gateway.

  • In HTTP there is a set of pages for sending SMS. It is possible to blindly send an SMS written “on-the-fly”, but it is also possible to upload Comma Separated Values (CSV) files for the batch transmission of hundreds or thousands of SMS.

  • Added support for SMS gateway.

  • Added support for mail relay through an external SMTP server.

  • Added SMTP authentication for incoming connections, used to authenticate users for relay.

  • Reorganised SMTP configuration:

    [20:23:15] ABILIS_CPX: d p smtp
           LOG:NO         ACT:YES              tcp-locport:25  internal-mails:10
           SRCADD:OUT-IP                       TOS:0-N
           ses-tot:10     SES-RESERVED-IN:2    SES-RESERVED-OUT:2
           DT:120         MAX-IP-SES:2         MAX-RCPT:100
           IPSRC:*                             IPSRCLIST:#
           max-fail-notif:50                   MB-MAXSIZE:5000
           MSG-MAXSIZE:2000                    MB-MAXMAILS:1000       STORE-MB:NO
           -- Local SMTP relay ----------------------------------------------------
           RELAY-NET:#                         RELAY-IPSRCLIST:#
           QUEUE-LIFE-TIME:86400               MAIL-TRY-DELAY:300
           -- External SMTP server for relay --------------------------------------
           SERVER:                             SERVER-AUTH:NO
           -- SMS Gateway ---------------------------------------------------------
           SMS-GW:NO                           SMS-PERMIT:RELAY
           SMS-IP:#                            SMS-SENDER:#
Data Compression
  • Added a Data Compression option for various resources. The compression is performed packet-by-packet and is targeted to the best compromise between compression level and speed.

    This option is available in all resources that have a MLM or ML layer, for example IP with subtype AIPT[-BCK], DL[-BCK], ML, BCH.

    [20:47:48] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-10
           - Link -----------------------------------------------------------------
           LLOG:DS       LMPX:YES         LC:YES         LCOMP:NO      LCR:NO
           LT1:1000      LT3:3000         LN2:3                        LCRKEY:DFT
    [20:47:48] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-10 ?
    LCOMP:     Compression type for DATA frames [NO, LZO1X, LZO1B, LZO1F]

    It is possible to use different compression types for the two directions, on reception the correct decompression type is automatically selected.

    This option is available only under licence which is issued based on the MFIDE serial number, thus it is valid for a single machine. The licence code has to be set in the general parameter section.

    [20:50:59] ABILIS_CPX:d g
    COMPKEY:   # (Compression Licence Key not set)
PV-IP and IP-AIPT resources
  • Added a new feature that permits to activate redundancy for Voice and/or Modem/Fax packets over clusters.

    Since fax relay is very sensitive to packet loss this feature is very useful to increase the fax relay reliability on connections with packet loss:

    [21:02:44] ABILIS_CPX:d p pv-1 ?
    V-RED:     VOICE frames redundancy [NONE, FM, VOICE, ALL]
                                          <Only for MODE:EXT/EXT-SERVER/EXT-CLIENT>
  • Added support for six phases DISC and BUSY signals.

  • Added support for OUT-DIAL tone.

    When in CTISYS there is OUT-DIAL-TONE:YES, the OUT-DIAL-DIGIT: value is used for playing the OUT-DIAL tone. When a user picks up a POTS phone and dials the OUT-DIAL-DIGIT value, he hears the OUT-DIAL-xx tone.

    [21:08:52] ABILIS_CPX: d p ctisys
           - Tones and ringing patterns -------------------------------------------
             - Tones -------------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
             TONESET:ABILIS             |  T1  |  S1  |  T2  |  S2  |  T3  |  S3  |
                              DIAL-xx:  |(7000)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|
                          OUT-DIAL-xx:  |( 200)|( 200)|( 600)|(1000)|(   0)|(   0)|
                             ALERT-xx:  |(1000)|(4000)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|
                              BUSY-xx:  |( 500)|( 500)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|
                              DISC-xx:  |( 200)|( 200)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|(   0)|
                              HOLD-xx:  |  110 |  110 |  110 | 1500 |    0 |    0 |
                              MENU-xx:  |  110 | 2000 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             - POTS Ringing ------------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
                               EXT-xx:  | 1000 | 4000 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
                               INT-xx:  |  400 |  200 |  400 | 3000 |    0 |    0 |
                               PKC-xx:  |  500 |  500 |  500 |  500 | 1500 | 2000 |
    [21:12:19] ABILIS_CPX: d p ctisys ?
    OUT-DIAL-TONE: Enable/disable the outside dial tone generation [NO, YES]
    OUT-DIAL-DIGIT: Digit for outside selection ['0'..'9']
    OUT-DIAL-xx: Tone and silence phases for the OUTSIDE DIAL signal [0..9999 ms]

    The OUT-DIAL tone is available on ISDN BRI and PRI ports too.

  • Added FR-IETF encapsulation option:

    [21:12:19] ABILIS_CPX: d p ip-5 ?
    PPP-ENC:   Encapsulation type [RAW-PPP, FR-IETF, RFC2364-VCMUX, RFC2364-LLCMUX]
  • Updated to support all the new resources and the new features. Mib and html documents updated.

  • Added the possibility to take DNS servers from IP resources that negotiates them, e.g. IP-PPP.

    The DNS parameter SERVERS: must be set to AUTO, and the DNS: parameter of IP resources must be set to RETRIEVE. If DNS servers are not available through IP-PPP resources, the configured PRIMARY: and SECONDARY: will be used.

  • The Abilis CPX Light Edition is no more available. As result the parameter wdg-use: in general section (D G) does not exist anymore.

MiniAbilis restrictions
  • With MiniAbilis it is no more possible to run the following services:


    • RJS (Matteo switch)

    • VRRP

    • ML subtype in resources

  • The following new services introduced in 6.4.0 are also not available in MiniAbilis:

    • CTISMS (SMTP-SMS and HTTP-SMS gateway).

    • Data compression (LCOMP: parameter).

    • LCS (Last Calling Service).

    • IPLB (IP resource Load Balancing).


All enhancements applied between version 6.3.0 and version 6.3.13 are included in 6.4.0.

Bug fixes

All bug fixes applied between version 6.3.0 and version 6.3.13 are included in 6.4.0.