Abilis CPX 2000, release 8.7

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.7

Released on March 7, 2019.


Bug fixes

  • AX88179: added VIA C7 M/B model CN700-8237 to the M/B requiring buffer limit to 16k for USB.

    The bug caused from time to time a software exception and system reboot.

  • Fixed a bug, actually located inside Ip Router, that in some rare cases caused the deadlock of the PPP connection after INIT RES:IP-x command.

    The bug caused the internal reset of the IPADD: and NEIGH: to, although D P correctly show RETRIEVE, and thus the conflict in the assignment of the addresses.

    When the problem occurs the PPP continuously loops between connect, authenticate, negotiate, disconnect states, and the message "IPCP: NEIGH conflict CFG: REM:y.y.y.y " appears in PPP log.

  • Added message "IPCP: IPADD conflict CFG:x.x.x.x REM:y.y.y.y " if conflict on IPADD is detected (message for NEIGH conflict was already present)

  • The version 8.7.3 introduced a feature to remove or update a translation when ANET: is set to OUT-IP or IP-xxx and outgoing IpRes changes.

    This feature introduced a bug because it didn't consider source routings!

    The bug is fixed now and source routings are properly evaluated.

  • Fixed CUR-ESTAB: diagnostic. It's value was always reported 0 even if there were ESTABLISHED sessions.

Cti router
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when the port received an already transferred call, and it is transferred again.

    The bug caused a wrong report of "answered" call instead of "forwarded", as well as a FRMWR in system log.

Traffic Analyser
  • Fixed AUTO-ERASE-CTI procedure.

    There was a bug in handling USER files when the username contains "_". The bug caused improper deletion of USER files.

    There was also a bug in handling DISA files when servicename contains "&". The bug caused improper deletion of DISA files.

  • Modified D ALARM layout: now only the lines relevant to the configured actions are displayed.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of an alarm record.

  • Fixed a bug when MAIL-TO was set to SYS. The System General value was not actually loaded and the mail was not sent.

Control Port
  • Fixed a bug that prevented SYS DISK CHK command execution after D I (wrong drive name string).

  • Excluded ISO9660 disks when executing SYS BM VERIFY command

  • D G: fixed CF-MAIL-TO-LIST help and other messages.

  • Fixed help for A USER:, A CTIDISA SERVICE and SUBSERVICE:.

  • Fixed typos in some helps.

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.6

Released on February 15, 2019.


  • Added support for new M/B Gigabyte J3455-D3H.

Control Port
  • Added "SUMs" in D DR IP output

    [20:09:21] ANTEK-CPX:d dr ip ?
    D DR [RES:]Ip [opt]                  Display reduced diagnostics of any
                                         Ip resource
    D DR [RES:]Ip <subtype> [opt]        Display reduced diagnostics of any
                                         IP resource of the specified subtype
    SUM        Display sums row only.
    [20:10:10] ANTEK-CPX: 
    [20:08:34] ANTEK-CPX:d dr ip
                         |    Throughputs in bit/sec     |
    RES    SubType  State| 5secIn 5secOut  5minIn 5minOut|Description
    Ip-1   LAN      UP     21.8 K  25.5 K   128 K  76.6 K Lan_local
    Ip-3   PPP      UP     29.1 K  21.4 K  76.8 K  58.6 K VDSL 
    Ip-4   LAN      UP        0       0       0       0   Lan_192.168.168.0/24
    Ip-10  VIRTUAL  UP        0       0       0       0   ip_virtual
    Ip-13  PPP      UP        0       0       0       0   Backup_LTE/UMTS
    Ip-14  VIRTUAL  UP        0       0       0       0
    All                    50.9 K  46.9 K   205 K   135 K
    [20:08:35] ANTEK-CPX:d dr ip-1,ip-2,ip-3
                         |    Throughputs in bit/sec     |
    RES    SubType  State| 5secIn 5secOut  5minIn 5minOut|Description
    Ip-1   LAN      UP     21.8 K  25.5 K   128 K  76.6 K Lan_local
    Ip-3   PPP      UP     29.1 K  21.4 K  76.8 K  58.6 K VDSL
    Some                   50.9 K  46.9 K   205 K   135 K
    [20:09:10] ANTEK-CPX:d dr ip sum
                         |    Throughputs in bit/sec     |
    RES    SubType  State| 5secIn 5secOut  5minIn 5minOut|Description
    All                     249 K  34.2 K   205 K   135 K
    [20:09:15] ANTEK-CPX:d dr ip-1,ip-2,ip-3 sum
                         |    Throughputs in bit/sec     |
    RES    SubType  State| 5secIn 5secOut  5minIn 5minOut|Description
    Some                    135 K   135 K   205 K   135 K
    [20:09:21] ANTEK-CPX:                                 

Bug fixes

Ip Router
  • Fixed IPLB bug when RULE:WQ, IPLB uses always the same IPRES instead of evaluating real FIFO occupation and spread among the resources. The bug was introduced in 8.7.0.

  • IPFLOW DISPLAY command: when NAT discarded a packet because of "no route" found in routing table the message was "ICMP ERROR MESSAGE SENT BY NAT", now it is replaced a more useful "NO ROUTE" message.

  • Fixed a bug on SERVER side that in extremely rare caused a permanent error in tunnel sequence number, making path an tunnel not-working.

    The bug, although extremely rare, could occur when all paths are down and a backup path is opened.

  • Fixed counting of LOC 5 min statistics when the path is closed after being used (typically backup path).

    The 5 min time window was not updated anymore, leaving stats there even if time elapsed beyond the 5 mins.

  • Fixed bug in configuration of DEP-RES, only IpRes are properly allowed now.

  • Fixed a bug in IPBAN service. If a list is used as "whitelist" and an item of the list is added or remove (list change), the CPU consumption went to 100% until reboot.

Voice Mail
  • Fixed a bug that in some rare case caused loss of recordings and a warning in the system log.

Voice Recorder
  • Fixed a bug that in some rare case caused loss of recordings and a warning in the system log.

  • Fixed crossing of OffHook response during RingStop command processing during T301 expiry, causing a temporary mess in AQ931 state machine and problems with the current call. Another call cleared the state machine and restore the correct situation.

  • Fixed a bug in alarm termination. The controlled IO line was kept not restored to OFF at the end of the alarm.

  • When there are troubles with loading of pages of javascripts the message "Press F5 to reload the page" has been changed to "Press CTRL+F5 to reload the page". The CTRL-F5 forces the browser to clear cache and fetch files from scratch.

Control Port
  • TRACE ACT command: if SIZE is not specified the configured SIZE is used now (while before the default size 8192 was used).

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.5

Released on January 30, 2019.


Ethernet Pcie
  • Added support for Broadcom BCM5721 variant identified with devid 0x1677:

Cti system

  • LCS service:

    • added parameter LCS-CB-TOUT to support of time out when LCST:CB.

      [18:38:17] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys  ?
      ---------- Last Calling number ------------------------------------------------
      LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [NONE, CB, 1..999 hour]:
                 - NONE: never delete unless the table is full
                 - CB: delete on answered callback
                 - 1..999 hour: delete after the specified interval.
      LCS-CB-TOUT: Timeout applied when LCST:CB [NONE, 1..999 hour]:
                 - NONE: never delete unless the table is full
                 - 1..999 hour: delete after the specified interval.
      lcs-dir:   Last Calling number Service Working directory path.
                 Full path with drive letter ['C'..'Z'] terminated by '\'.
                 Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "C:\My dir\").      

    • added command C LCST ALL for clearing whole LCS table.

      [18:38:20] ABILIS_CPX:c lcst ?
      C LCST ALL                                   Clear all entries from the LCS table
      C LCST GROUP:val [CD:val]                    Clear an entry from the LCS table         

  • D CTICE: added display of USERI and USERO.

    [19:02:32] ABILIS_CPX:d ctice
    SES:4    TYPE:TR    ST:ACTIVE  PR:12           STI:10/00  STO:10/00  EEC:NO
    ID :4    START:30/01/2019 19:02:40        DURATION:3          REMAINING:-
            IN:101             BCI:Speech   OUT:102               BCO:Speech
          CDI:ux5102                       CDO:ux5102
          CGI:uxq5101                      CGO:uxq5101
          SDI:                             SDO:
          SGI:                             SGO:
          RGI:                             RGO:
          USERI:alice                      USERO:bob
    [19:02:43] ABILIS_CPX:

  • D CTIC[E]: added possibility to filter calls by several of their fields. Multiple filters are used in AND.

    [18:58:05] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic ?
    D CTIC                            Display ALL CTI connections
    D CTIC ID:val                     Display CTI connections by ID
    D CTIC SES:val                    Display CTI connections by SES
    D CTIC filter:val [filter:val]    Display CTI connections matching the specified filters
    ID:        Call identifier [1..4095]
    SES:       Session identifier [1..4095]
    TYPE:      Connection type [TR, DATA, VSP, TRPC, XtoX where X can be any of
    PR:        CTI routing priority [0..255, UNK, TRS, CPK, INT]
    ST:        Filter calls according to the four main phases [CALL, ALERT, ACTIVE, DISC]
                CALL   -> DIAL/CALL/RELAY/CREQ
                ALERT  -> ALERT
                DISC   -> DISC/REL
    IN:        | Input group/port/cluster.
    OUT:       | Output group/port/cluster.
               | [1..600, G0..G32, PBX, Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, Sl] or cluster
               | name optionally preceded/followed by '*' (e.g. *my or my* or *my*).
    CGI:       Calling address input.
               Up to 20 characters ['0'..'9', '?', '*'], optionally preceded by
               TON/NP/PI/SI attributes, or #. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES.
    CDO:       Called address output.
               Up to 20 characters ['0'..'9', '?', '*'], optionally preceded by
               TON/NP attributes, or #. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES.
    Filters applied on fields not shown in D CTIC, visible in D CTICE.
    BCI:       | Bearer capability input.
    BCO:       | Bearer capability output.
               | [Speech, 3.1Khz, UDI, RDI, UDI-TA, Video]
    CGO:       | Calling address output.
    RGI:       | Redirecting calling input.
    RGO:       | Redirecting calling output.
               | Up to 20 characters ['0'..'9', '?', '*'], optionally preceded by
               | TON/NP/PI/SI attributes, or #. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES.
    CDI:       Called address input.
               Up to 20 characters ['0'..'9', '?', '*'], optionally preceded by
               TON/NP attributes, or #. See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES.
    SGI:       | Calling sub-address input.
    SGO:       | Calling sub-address output.
    SDI:       | Called sub-address input.
    SDO:       | Called sub-address output.
               | Up to 20 characters ['?, '*', '0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'] or #.
    USERI:     | User name input.
    USERO:     | User name output.
               | A string optionally preceded/followed by '*'
               | (e.g. myuser or *myuser or myuser* or *myuser*)

Bug fixes

  • Reintroduced support of Remote-Party-ID that was removed since 8.6.9.

    The Remote-Party-ID field is an obsoleted draft and should not be used, while P-Asserted-Identity is part of an RFC and should be used.

    Unfortunately many devices uses Remote-Party-ID so we had to reintroduce it.

    For INCOMING INVITE Abilis use Remote-Party-ID only if P-Asserted-Identity is NOT present (it was the opposite up to 8.6.8).

    In OUTGOING INVITE Abilis inserts both Remote-Party-ID and P-Asserted-Identity.

Address Book
  • There was a name inconsistency between parameters ADDRBOOK-PUB-PROTECTED in CTISYS and ADDRBOOK-PUB-ENABLED in USER parameters.

    They are now unified with name ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE.

    Pleas note that in the values of ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE in CTISYS are now inverted with respect to the values of the former ADDRBOOK-PUB-PROTECTED, although the configuration remains perfectly backward compatible.

    [18:51:04] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys addrbook
           ADDRBOOK-PUB-MAX:2000               ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE:YES
    [18:51:58] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys ? addrbook-pub-editable
    ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE: Enable/disable the users (except 'admin' user) to
               add/delete/update 'public' contacts of Abilis Address Book [NO, YES].
               User 'admin' is always enabled.
                                <Only for ADDRBOOK-SOURCE equal to ABILIS-ADDRBOOK>
    [18:53:36] ABILIS_CPX:d user:myuser
    Parameter:          | Value:
    [18:53:38] ABILIS_CPX:d user:myuser ? addrbook-pub-editable
    User's parameter(s):
    ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE: Enable the user to add/delete/update 'public' contacts
               of Abilis Address Book [SYS, NO, YES]
               If SYS, the user's rights on 'public' contacts are inherited
               from the ADDRBOOK-PUB-EDITABLE parameter in CtiSys resource.
               User 'admin' is always enabled.         

Recent Calls
  • User's Recent calls: fixed dialog for contact addition to Abilis address book, it that didn't allow to add PUBLIC contacts even if user was enabled to do so.

  • Analog graph and table: changed label "average" to "value".

  • Fixed preparation of the first part of RT graph, the part obtained from already stored events.

    The bug caused false detection of damaged DB causing improper XML content and RT graph filling from the left side.

  • Fixed not working D S[E] IOHUB command.

  • RIO/RVS configuration: bold font-weight is now used for FREE devices

  • RIO/RVS configuration: the range if IP Address to be set is now properly reduced by excluding NET and BROADCAST addresses, and the tooltip shows the exact range.

  • VS Alarm settings: added patch to avoid incomplete configuration of "Activated camera" and prevent camera selection until the resource is chosen (both resource and camera values MUST be different from 'none', otherwise they are both forced to 'none').

  • Added details in LOG DEBUG (DEBUG VRRP LSN:3) about the cause of a VRRP in DOWN state.

    Possible reasons now indicated:

    • IPRES:Ip-xxx is DOWN

    • DEP-RES:xxx is DOWN

    • IPRES:Ip-xxx has VRRP:NO

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.4

Released on January 16, 2019.



  • Reintroduced support for MicroAbilis and NanoAbilis based on Geode CPU, equipped with MFLPC watchdog. It was discontinued starting with version 8.0.0.

  • Reintroduced support for CTI BSE9 (card with 4 POTS and 4 BRI used in Microabilis Geode).

  • NOTE: although micro/nano Abilis Geode based has been reintroduced, only the CTI-BSE9 add-on card has been reintroduced.

    The other two add-on formerly available for Geode based Abilis, CTI BSE16 (8 BRI + 1 POTSHUB) and CTI-MINI-BRI1 (1 bRI data-only ) remains unsupported.

Address Book
  • Recent calls and Call logs (user and administration): the string specified in CG/CD filter is now searched in any position of the field value (before the match was successful only with field values beginning with the specified string).

Bug fixes

Cti Router
  • Fixed the incoming call SP: (and codec) evaluation for cidsa-to-v calls when cidsa matched GI: of the routing. The bug caused SP:64000 usage instead of the SP: value of routing.

    NOTE: after the update it may happen that some cidsa-to-v calls matching routing with GI:xx are rejected or selects a different codec. It can be a side effect of the bugfix.

  • Replace "W: CTICL [xxx] internal data inconsistency detected" log message with an internal debug statistics. The reason is that in most cases it is a false positive, and in every situation it leads to a proper recovery.

  • Fixed a bug when parsing messages during the handshake protocol. When multiple handshake messages are included in the same TCP packet the parsing failed.

    The most evident effect was the impossibility to use SMTP with Microsoft Office 365 servers.

Ethernet Pci/Pcie
  • Fixed some bug in statistics:

    • Removed TBE stats, there were incorrect and unnecessary.

    • NOBUF counter was not supported for VIA cards, now it is.

    • QUE (QUEUED) was supported only for Realtek 100M cards (8139 and similar), now it is supported for all cards.

    • N-COLLISION was counted only in Realtek 100M and DEC cards. Now it is correct for all cards.

  • Improved IOLOG web page delivery with forced transmission of packets at most every 5 seconds. This improves responsiveness and more reliable detection of TCP closures coming from the browser.

  • IOLOG web page: increased the timeout for the history graph data delivery from 30 to 90 seconds.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the loss of lines description when upgrading from V.8.6.x or older, to 8.7.x (up to 8.7.3).

  • Fixed a bug that caused loss of line description and configuration when RIO Sonoff TH10/16 had a temporary disconnection of the probe.

  • Added managing of "Not Available" (N/A) state for digital and analog lines.

  • Fixed a bug in firmware update for Sonoff based RIO. In some situations the update failed.

  • Rfc1213 mib support, fixes in ifTable for ethernet interfaces.

    • Fixed 'ifOutDiscards': it counted wrong values.

    • Fixed 'ifOutErrors': removed "CARR".

    • Fixed 'ifInErrors': removed RX-OVR.

    • Fixed 'ifInDiscards': added RX-OVR

  • Rfc1643 mib support, fixes in dot3StatsTable.

    • Fixed 'dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors': removed LONG and SHORT, remains only TX-UND.

    • Fixed 'dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors': removed NOBUF and SHORT, remains only RX-OVR.

  • Abilis mib

    • Obsoleted 'cxEthStTxBufUnavail' variable in cxEthStTable.

  • Updated Abilis mib and html document.

  • Added recent calls and call logs files creation when a user is added.

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.3

Released on December 18, 2018.


Bug fixes

ConvCfg / ConvCfgW
  • System general parameters (D G).

    Fixed conversion of 'MAIL-FROM' parameter to 'SYS-MAIL-FROM' that was wrongly set to default value 'AUTO'. Now the original value of 'MAIL-FROM' is kept.

  • VS parameters.

    Added patches for 'storage-wdir':

    • if drive letter was equal to 'C:'/'Z:' it is converted to empty

    • if drive letter was equal to 'D:', it is converted to 'E:'

  • Fixed a bug in the verification of the ongoing callback

    The bug disabled any second callback operation, even to different user/service, and rejecting any second call with User Busy cause.

  • Fixed bug with AUTH-FAIL in/out.

    They were properly counted only in simple overall NPVL ( D S ), but they were not counted in individual paths and in extended stats ( D SE [path:] ) and a random value was reported instead.

  • Improved handling of SRC translations in case of ANET: is set to OUT-IP or IP-xxx.

    • ANET:OUT-IP: translation is removed if outgoing IpRes changes during the translation life

    • ANET:IP-xxx: translation is removed if the Ip Address of IP-xxx changes during the translation life

    • The verification is done when there is a new packet to process, therefore until a new packet is processed the translation is still present with the original values.

    • For UDP the current translation is removed and immediately replaced with the new one.

    • For TCP the current translation is removed, a TCP-RESET is sent if enabled in configuration (default), but the new translation will be created only when the application with reopen the TCP session with the TCP SYN packet.

  • Fixed bug in DNS translations.

    The DNS translation was opened with the first request and closed with the first answer.

    The problem appears when a DNS client re-uses the same UDP port for a burst of requests. Since the first response is passed and removed the translation the others will not find the translation anymore.

    This problems has been solved by counting the number for requests and responses, the translation is removed only if they are equal or if timeout expires. The timeout is restarted at every request.

  • Fixed a bug when SRCADD:OUT-IP.

    The request sent to the SECONDARY kept the same IP SOURCE ADDRESS and IPRES of the previous request sent to PRIMARY instead of being recomputed.

  • RELAY: added a check to avoid loops.

    Request must not be relayed back to the client that sent them, therefore if the IP address of PRIMARY/SECONDARY server is equal to the IP SOURCE ADDRESS of the incoming request , there is a loop and request is not relayed, and a response with "Name Error" return code is sent to the client.

  • RESOLVER: renamed DELAY: parameter to TOUT: , removed RTY: parameter.

    TOUT:      Maximal time that resolver waits for server's responses [1..15 sec]
               The request is sent to PRIMARY at 0, 0.5, 1 sec and to SECONDARY
               at 0.5, 1, 1.5 sec, until an answer is received from either.    

  • Fixed UDP session (LSN) used to send relay requests and responses. There was "mixed" used, now it is "clean", useful for tracing.

    [17:45:30] ABILIS_CPX:d d udp
    RES:Udp -----------------------------------------------------------------------
           - UDP Connections ------------------------------------------------------
           ID    Lsn           LocPort[:EndRange]  Resource
           3     0004 (    4)    20016             Dns    -> resolver requests/responses
           4     0005 (    5)    20529             Dns    -> relay requests/responses
           5     0006 (    6)       53             Dns    -> packet exchange with clients
    [17:45:37] ABILIS_CPX:  

  • Fixed a bug with IOLOG DB when it was temporary closed by SYS DISK CHK operation or by MIRROR activities.

    Due to the bug the service was not properly restarted, causing loss of events.

  • Improved RIO/RVS discovery page for easier view of disconnected devices and error conditions.

Operator Panel Control (OPC)
  • Removed a problem with Addressbook dialog: a state update of any monitored interface caused the automatic selection of the text being entered.

  • NPV path: added 'cxNpvStPathAuthFailIn' and 'cxNpvStPathAuthFailOut'. Updated MIB and html document.

Control Port
  • SYS DISK DETAILS: fixed mixing of hard disk information with information about partitions belonging other hard disks, when an hard disk doesn't have any letter assigned to its partition(s).

  • SYS DISK PARTITION RESET: improved preparation of RAW disks, or disk without a FAT partition. Such disks have no letter assigned and after the PARTITION RESET they need a SYSTEM REBOOT to get a letter assigned. After reboot the SYS DISK FORMAT <letter:> will be possible.

  • Disable SYS BM INSTALL, SYS DISK FORMAT, SYS DISK PARTITION ADD/RESET and SYS DISK CHK commands on system reserved RAM disk (DummyDisk).

  • D PCIDEV command: added 'uhci-ohci' parameter help.

  • NAT Alias: improved help of ANET, by adding the note that OUT-IP value is allowed only for ADD:SRC.

  • IPOE: changed default description and moved from PPPOE to IP resources set.

  • VS: restricted range of 'storage-wdir', drive letter cannot be 'C:'/'D:'/Z:'.

  • NPVL: fixed wrong 'AUTH-UNK' statistic value printed in D SE NPVL.

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.2

Released on November 21, 2018.



  • Reduced memory occupation by about 3.2 Mbytes per resource.

Bug fixes

Ip Router
  • Fixed a bug that prevented removal of an IpRes even if Abilis was properly restarted with such a resource in INACT state.

    The bug was introduced in 8.7.0.

  • Fixed a bug in IOLOG that prevented storage of new events in the database and flooding of system log with FRMWR registrations.

    The problem appeared if after a database recirculation a line was left without events. This is a regular situation that was wrongly considered error.

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.1

Released on November 14, 2018.


System CF (System Compact Flashes)

  • Some corner cases are now properly handled to better preserve letters of drives not involved in System CF handling.

    It was required to introduce a Dummy Disk for swapping with suitable/not suitable disk in D:.

    The DummyDisk is a Ram Disk that occupies just 32 Kbytes of RAM, it is created at startup after ide/sata disks and used for swap with D: when the drive in D: is NOT suitable for System CF.

    The result is that D: will be always occupied either by the DummyDisk or by a disk which is suitable for System CF.

    Note that being the Ram Disk an additional disk, all USB disks and runtime created partitions, will start from one higher letter than in 8.7.0 (e.g. J: instead of I:)

    • Abilis with 2 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD

      14/11/2018 13:43:41 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      14/11/2018 13:43:41 [00621] I: Disk D: (4D49-668F) suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF
      14/11/2018 13:43:53 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED   
      [13:51:24] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32                    9428-6E67   160 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 317 MiB         YES
      D:  HD-13  FAT16                    4D49-668F   52 MiB          494 MiB
          AHCI            8,192 bytes                 442 MiB         YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      F:  HD-16  FAT12    DummyDisk       4D6E-8AF7   0 KiB           16 KiB
          RAM             4,096 bytes                 16 KiB          YES
      [13:52:29] ABILIS_CPX:        

    • Abilis with 1 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD

      14/11/2018 13:55:48 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      14/11/2018 13:55:48 [00619] I: Disk E: -> F: (4D6E-8DF8)
      14/11/2018 13:55:48 [00624] I: Disk D: (4D62-6E6A) not suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF, D: -> E:
      14/11/2018 13:55:48 [00626] I: Disk D: absent, F: -> D: (4D6E-8DF8)  
      14/11/2018 13:56:00 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED          
      [13:56:20] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32                    9428-6E67   160 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 317 MiB         YES
      D:  HD-16  FAT12    DummyDisk       4D6E-8DF8   0 KiB           16 KiB
          RAM             4,096 bytes                 16 KiB          YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      [13:56:53] ABILIS_CPX:        

    • Abilis with 1 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD + 1 USB CF in a two slots card reader

      14/11/2018 13:58:57 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      14/11/2018 13:58:57 [00624] I: Disk D: (4D62-6E6A) not suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF, D: -> E:
      14/11/2018 13:58:57 [00619] I: Disk E: -> F: (4D6E-8E61)
      14/11/2018 13:58:57 [00624] I: Disk D: (4D62-6E6A) not suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF, D: -> E:
      14/11/2018 13:58:57 [00626] I: Disk D: absent, F: -> D: (4D6E-8E61)      
      14/11/2018 13:59:05 [00615] I: Disk J: (4D49-8C41) suitable for MIRROR CF, J: -> D:
      14/11/2018 13:59:09 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED            
      [13:59:15] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32                    9428-6E67   160 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 317 MiB         YES
      D:  HD-21  FAT32                    4D49-8C41   23 MiB          963 MiB
          USB             2,048 bytes                 939 MiB         YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      J:  HD-16  FAT12    DummyDisk       4D6E-8E61   0 KiB           16 KiB
          RAM             4,096 bytes                 16 KiB          YES
      K:         drive not ready [-29]
      [14:00:01] ABILIS_CPX:          

  • Added AUTH-UNK statistic for NPV resource. Incremented incoming authentication failures in servers, when the NPVL can't be identified.

    [19:23:18] ABILIS_CPX:d s npv
    RES:NPv -----------------------------------------------------------------------
           --- Cleared 0 days 00:21:46 ago, on 14/11/2018 at 19:01:37 -------------
           AUTH-FAIL  |        762|          0|BAD-FORMAT |          0|           |
           AUTH-UNK   |        742|           |NO-LINK    |          0|           |
    [19:23:23] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                             

  • Added AUTH-FAIL in/out statistics for NPVL. Incremented when in/out authentication fails an NPVL is identified.

    [19:26:52] ABILIS_CPX:d s npvl id:1
    ID:1    CLUS:myclus
           --- Cleared 0 days 00:25:19 ago, on 14/11/2018 at 19:01:37 -------------
           AUTH-FAIL  |          0|          0|ERRORS     |          0|          0|
    [19:26:56] ABILIS_CPX:                          

  • NPV: added 'cxNpvStAuthUnknownIn'; NPV link: added 'cxNpvStLinkAuthFailIn' and 'cxNpvStLinkAuthFailOut'. Updated MIB and html document.

Bug fixes

Double CF handling
  • Fixed a bug in MIRROR procedure: an error was unnecessary generated when user files (e.g. in C:\USR) were deleted after the previous mirror copied them on D:.

    It is perfectly normal that user files are added and removed, there is no reason to threat it as an error.

Control Port
  • In some situations it was impossible to abort a running command (e.g. a ping) with ctrl-c, and it was neither possible to terminate the session by closing from telnet (or ssh), now the problem is over.

    This problem occurred if during command execution the user sent further commands up to fill the command queue (max 7 commands in queue).

    Now up to 7 commands are queued, the subsequent ones are silently discarded and ctrl-c remains effective

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a frozen session in CLEARED or even in CONNECTED state.

  • Fixed statistics SEG, CHAR, PCK, CALL, RESET, they had IN/OUT direction reversed.

    The correct directions are: IN for packets/events from TCP to COR, OUT for packets/events from COR to TCP.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a frozen session in CLEARED or even in CONNECTED state.

  • Fixed statistics SEG, CHAR, PCK, CALL, RESET, they had IN/OUT direction reversed.

    The correct directions are: IN for packets/events from TCP to COR, OUT for packets/events from COR to TCP.

  • Fixed bug that caused PADI/PADR retry to stop if during retry delay the PORT state went DOWN. This bug caused in turn the blockage in AD-INIT state until an INIT POECLI port was made.

  • Fixed debug statistics for unknown/unsupported ethernet frames type, e.g.

    [19:35:59] CPX_INTERNET:_debug res:eth-2 lsn:2
    Detected not supported Ethernet vlans and types
    Eth_Vlan_Unknown_IEEE    |         0|         0
    Eth_Vlan_Unknown         |         0|         0
    Last_Eth_Vlan_Unknown    |         0|
    Last_Eth_Vlan_Unk_Type   |     x0000|
    Eth_NotSuppType_IpV6     |         0|         0
    Eth_NotSuppType_IEEE     |        15|        15
    Eth_UnknownType          |         1|         1
    Eth_LastUnknownType      |     x8906|           
    [19:35:59] CPX_INTERNET:_
  • Fixed bug in handling incoming OPTIONS when SIP-TYPE:SERVER with multiple users on different sip-udp-locport. Only first user was processed, the others timed out.

  • Fixed some annoying bugs with descriptions and tooltips that disappeared after certain events.

  • Better handling of simultaneous modification from web users.

Known bugs

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.7.0

Released on November 6, 2018.


Summary of most relevant enhancements

  • Introduced "System CF" classification and handling. Reserved letter D: for a "System CF".

    Please note that if there was an Hard Disk for videosurveillance on D: it will be moved to E:

  • Double CF handling with modes NORMAL, NORMAL with MIRROR, SAFE, SAFE with MIRROR.

  • Configuration and licence provisioning, client and server.

  • LAN monitor for monitoring of devices connected to a local LAN using ARP packets, with web pages for configuration and monitor.

  • Web pages for monitoring of AIPT2 VPNs.

  • IP router extended with up to 999 IpRes and extended IPLB from 8 to 50 IpRes for each IPLB.

  • DHCP server with "per network" server or relay configuration.

  • DNS extended with whitelist

  • Summarized traffic analysis of "line load" and "top10" for classified IP interfaces (LAN, WAN, VPN, VPNW). Former traffic analyser moved from main page to Administration.

  • Automation: support for new set of RIO devices.

Other enhancements

  • LCS service in Cti Router: added "CALL-BACK" option for removal or LCS entry.

  • USB: by default the UHCI and OHCI controllers (USB 1.1) are not enabled.

  • LTE CellKey: added support for HUAWEI E3372 LTE device.

  • AIPT2: added PATHSMODE: parameter.

  • TRFA CTI: improved with retries in case of file occupied, this prevents possible data loss.

  • ISDN: added for NT the option to provide date/time in SETUP and CONNECT messages.

  • SNMP: Updated SNMP MIB to support all new features in 8.7.0.

  • Reorganised and extended the "System General" configuration (D G, S G) to be better readable and to accommodate new services and features.

    [16:09:04] ABILIS_CPX:d g
    ------------------------ System General Parameters ----------------------------
    ----------------------+----- Setup and debug -------+--------------------------
    tact:     YES         |   listitems:  4000          |   stackovh:     0
    TSAVE:    YES         |   listmem:     630          |   hookact:     NO
    ldmsize:   50         |   sound:        ON          |   HOOKTHR:     50
    ---------------------- Settings and identification ----------------------------
    TIMEZONE:   CET - Central Europe (Rome, Paris, Berlin, Prague, Brussels)
    ----------------------------- Mail defaults -----------------------------------
    SYS-MAIL-FROM:    AUTO (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          NORMAL                                            <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        # (Mirror schedule not set)
    CF-MAIL-FROM:     SYS (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    CF-MAIL-TO:       SYS ()
    ----------------------------- Information -------------------------------------
    SYSUPTIME:  0 days 02:43:37 (Wednesday 31/10/2018 13:23:03)         <Read Only>
    DATE&TIME:  Wednesday 31/10/2018 16:06:40 (UTC+01:00)               <Read Only>
    CPU:        4                                                       <Read Only>
    HWINT:      MFLPT-2/3                                               <Read Only>
    ABILIS-ID:  1801013                                                 <Read Only>
    ------------------------------- Reboot ----------------------------------------
    SYSRBDELAY: # (System reboot delay not set)
    SYSRBCOND:  # (System reboot condition not set)
    [16:09:05] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Added "Mail Defaults" section.

    In this section it is possible to specify system mail defaults that can be used in any service when the correspondent value is set to "SYS".

    ----------------------------- Mail defaults -----------------------------------
    SYS-MAIL-FROM:    AUTO (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    [16:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d g ?
    ---------- Mail defaults ------------------------------------------------------
    SYS-MAIL-FROM: Default e-mail sender. AUTO or a valid e-mail address.
               - AUTO : a fixed value is used (e.g. abilis@<CP prompt>)
               - e-mail address : max 128 ASCII chars. Space not allowed.
    SYS-MAIL-TO: Default e-mail recipients.
               Empty or max 128 ASCII characters. Space not allowed.
    SYS-MAIL-TO-LIST: Default E-mail recipients list.
               # or the name of a TXT list.
    SYS-MAIL-BODY: Default e-mail body type [STANDARD, SMS-LIKE].
    [16:12:28] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                                     

  • Added "Compact Flash" section.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          NORMAL                                            <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        # (Mirror schedule not set)
    CF-MAIL-FROM:     SYS (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    CF-MAIL-TO:       SYS ()
    [16:06:40] ABILIS_CPX:d g ?
    ---------- Compact Flash ------------------------------------------------------
    CF-MODE:   Current Compact Flash management mode                    <Read Only>
               See SYS CFMODE INFO|LOG|SET|RECOVERY commands.
    CF-MIRROR: Schedule mirror of the system disk C:
               [# or hh:mm]:
               - # or NONE: system mirror schedule not set;
               - hh:mm: the system mirror will be executed every day at
                        the specified time 'hh' [0..23], 'mm' [0..59]
    CF-MAIL-FROM: E-mail sender. SYS or AUTO or a valid e-mail address.
               - SYS: use value configured in 'SYS-MAIL-FROM';
               - AUTO: a fixed value is used (e.g. alarm@<cp-prompt>);
               - e-mail address: max 128 ASCII characters. Space not allowed.
    CF-MAIL-TO: E-mail recipients.
               SYS or empty or max 128 ASCII characters. Space not allowed.
    CF-MAIL-TO-LIST: E-mail recipients list.
               # or the name of a TXT list.
    CF-MAIL-BODY: E-mail body type [SYS, STANDARD, SMS-LIKE].
    [16:12:28] ABILIS_CPX:

System CF (System Compact Flashes)
  • A new procedure has been introduced to reserve letter D: for a system CF.

    System CF are those CF where Abilis system is installed and that are suitable to boot Abilis. They must satisfy the size requisite >= 100 Mbytes and <= 16 GBytes.

    While letter C: is always assigned to the boot disk, letter D: in certain cases may refer to a disk which is not suitable for system CF, in such a case the disk D: is moved to some other letter.

    If letter D: is free and a CF suitable for system CF is connected via USB and it is initially mounted to a letter <> D: it is subsequently moved to letter D:.

    It is important to note that the procedure at boot and at runtime are slightly different:

    • At boot all IDE/SATA disk and partitions are mounted first, and only much later the USB disks.

      If a IDE/SATA D: is not suitable for system CF it is moved to E:, but if other IDE/SATA disks were present too they are all shifted by one letter (e.g. F:->G, E:->F:, D:->E:)

      When it is time to USB disks they are managed individually, so any required letter change occurs individually.

    • At runtime it is not possible to add new IDE/SATA disks, but it is possible to create partitions on a hard disk.

      When partition is added, more precisely we split an existent partition, the new partition is added starting from some late letter (typically R: or Q:) but after system is rebooted it will be mounted with a letter that is next to the split partition. If for example we split partition E: we will get E: and may be R::, but after reboot they will be E: and F:, and if other IDE/SATA disks are present they will shift to G:, H:, etc...

      It is always recommended to reboot Abilis after partition split.

    • USB disks can be added and removed runtime, they are handled individually like at boot.

    All these disks activities are logged in system log, here are some examples:

    • Abilis with 2 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD

      02/11/2018 13:43:41 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      02/11/2018 13:43:41 [00621] I: Disk D: (4D49-668F) suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF
      02/11/2018 13:43:53 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED   
      [13:51:24] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32                    9428-6E67   359 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 118 MiB         YES
      D:  HD-13  FAT16                    4D49-668F   141 MiB         494 MiB
          AHCI            8,192 bytes                 353 MiB         YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      [13:52:29] ABILIS_CPX:        

    • Abilis with 1 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD

      02/11/2018 13:55:48 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      02/11/2018 13:55:48 [00624] I: Disk D: (4D62-6E6A) not suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF, D: -> E:
      02/11/2018 13:56:00 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED          
      [13:56:20] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32    NEW VOLUME      9428-6E67   359 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 118 MiB         YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      [13:56:53] ABILIS_CPX:        

    • Abilis with 1 IDE/SATA CF + 1 IDE/SATA HD + 1 USB CF in a two slots card reader

      02/11/2018 13:58:57 [00103] -------------------- NEW RUN --------------------
      02/11/2018 13:58:57 [00624] I: Disk D: (4D62-6E6A) not suitable for MIRROR/SAFE CF, D: -> E:
      02/11/2018 13:59:05 [00615] I: Disk I: (4D49-8C41) suitable for MIRROR CF, I: -> D:
      02/11/2018 13:59:09 [00055] SYSTEM STARTED            
      [13:59:15] ABILIS_CPX:sys disk info
      Logical drive(s) information:
      Drv Disk   FS       Label           Serial      Used space      Total space
          Interface       Cluster size                Free space      Bootable
      C:  HD-12  FAT32    NEW VOLUME      9428-6E67   359 MiB         478 MiB
          AHCI            4,096 bytes                 118 MiB         YES
      D:  HD-20  FAT32                    4D49-8C41   24 MiB          963 MiB
          USB             2,048 bytes                 939 MiB         YES
      E:  HD-14  FAT32                    4D62-6E6A   448 KiB         715317 MiB
          AHCI            65,536 bytes                715317 MiB      YES
      J:         drive not ready [-29]
      [14:00:01] ABILIS_CPX:          

Double CF handling
  • Those Abilis equipped with TWO Compact Flash can be setup to behave in four different modes, each will be carefully described.

    • NORMAL

    • NORMAL with MIRROR

    • SAFE

    • SAFE with MIRROR

    For those Abilis equipped with only ONE CF it is possible to add a CF using a USB card reader, but in this case the SAFE modes will not be available.

    The CF-MODE can be set/changed/recovered only on the running Abilis, it' can't be done offline. The commands to be used are in SYS CFMODE commands section:

    [17:40:59] ABILIS_206:sys cfmode ?
    INFO           Display Compact Flash Mode settings
    LOG            Display log of Compact Flash Mode activities
    RECOVERY       Recovery from SAFE-DEGRADED mode
    SET            Set Compact Flash Mode
    [17:41:06] ABILIS_206:sys cfmode set ?
    NORMAL         Set Compact Flash Mode to NORMAL
    SAFE           Set Compact Flash Mode to SAFE
    [17:41:13] ABILIS_206:sys cfmode recovery ?
    NORMAL         Recovery from SAFE-DEGRADED to NORMAL
    SAFE           Recovery from SAFE-DEGRADED to SAFE
    [17:41:17] ABILIS_206:                               

    The CF-MIRROR can also be executed manually and on the second CF there is a log of the last MIRROR execution that can be inspected (file MIRROR.LOG). The commands to be used are in SYS MIRROR.

    [16:55:18] ABILIS_CPX:sys mirror ?
    COMPARE        Execute system mirror compare
    LOG            Display log of last system mirror execution
    RUN            Execute system mirror
    [16:55:21] ABILIS_CPX: 

    Any action that take place on CFMODE and CFMIRROR can generate an email which is sent to the configured recipients in the D G section.

    ----------------------------- Mail defaults -----------------------------------
    SYS-MAIL-FROM:    AUTO (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          NORMAL                                            <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        # (Mirror schedule not set)
    CF-MAIL-FROM:     SYS (abilis@abilis_cpx_)
    CF-MAIL-TO:       SYS ()


    This is the default mode where only the first CF (C:) is involved in system activities.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          NORMAL                                            <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        # (Mirror schedule not set)


    In this mode the system still start and proceed on the first CF (C:) , but a daily mirror from C: to D: will be executed at the scheduled time.

    The second CF is a fully functional system CF, in case of need it can replace the first CF (e.g. if first CF is damaged) and start the system, of course with "user data" of the last mirror execution.

    The procedure makes the MIRROR of the system relevant files and user data, but it copies only CURRENT run / PREVIOUS run / NEXT run Abilis version to preserve system integrity without bloating the second CF with unnecessary old versions.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          NORMAL                                            <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        04:02 (Next execution at Saturday 03/11/2018 04:02:00)

    The MIRROR procedure does the follow:

    • copy from C: to D: of system files and user data files only if timestamp or size changed

    • remove on D: files and directories that are no more present on C:

    • remove of versions directories that are different from CURRENT, PREVIOUS, NEXT ( those visible with "sys display boot" command)

      [12:48:45] ABILIS_CPX:sys display boot
      Abilis CPX Boot Manager configuration:
      Previous version      Current version       Next Version to load
      8-6-10                8-7-0                 8-7-0
      [12:48:49] ABILIS_CPX:

  • SAFE

    This mode is available when Abilis is equipped with TWO SATA/IDE CF.

    Purpose of this mode is to start system from the first CF and then swap to the second CF for the normal read/write operations. In case of problems with the second CF the system should anyway start and proceed on the first CF to permit a system rescue.

    The core aspect of SAFE mode is that the first CF is minimally involved in write operations, actually just in case of version update and configuration saving, thus minimising the risks of failure and unbootable system.

    In this mode the first and second CF are kept automatically aligned for system files (directories of Abilis versions, root, licence), not the APP and USR directories that can be eventually updated once a day by activating the MIRROR service.

    In safe mode there are a lot of actions taken to guarantee that both CF are as they should be, if such checks fails the system goes in SAFE-DEGRADED mode and the system proceeds with the CF from where it started. This mode can be recovered to SAFE or to NORMAL with the respective commands, providing that the required conditions are met.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          SAFE                                              <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        # (Mirror schedule not set)
    Note that when system starts the first and second CF are respectively C: and D:, but after all verification succeeds and SAFE mode is confirmed the drive letters are changed: first CF is changed from C: to Z:, second CF is changed from D: to C:.

    Important: do not make any change on disk Z: unless you know what you are doing.

  • SAFE with MIRROR

    In addition to SAFE mode a MIRROR is daily executed at the specified time for the user data.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          SAFE                                              <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        02:00 (Next execution at Saturday 03/11/2018 02:00:00)

    The MIRROR procedure makes the MIRROR from C: to Z:.


    This mode is entered when a system that was in SAFE mode does not detect anymore the conditions to run in SAFE mode, which can be any of:

    • only one disk out of two is present/detected

    • disks signatures do not match

    • disks misalignments on the relevant parts

    • serious errors detected on the second CF

    In this mode the MIRROR service is automatically disabled. This is to prevent inadvertently erase of content of a "wrong" CF.

    ----------------------------- Compact Flash -----------------------------------
    CF-MODE:          SAFE-DEGRADED                                     <Read Only>
    CF-MIRROR:        - (Mirror disabled because CF-MODE is SAFE-DEGRADED) 

    • Recovery to NORMAL.

      When recovered to NORMAL the system will consider current disk as the main disk C:, and the current disk D: can be used for MIRROR.

      The content of the CFs in the system is not modified.

    • Recovery to SAFE.

      Recovery to SAFE is possible only if the system is again equipped with TWO IDE/SATA CF.

      The recovery command asks if APP and USR must be recovered from disk C: or disk D:, this must be properly chosen to avoid user data loss. Whether to choose C: or D: depends on where the user data to preserve are actually present.

      Content of the CFs in the system is always modified as consequence of the recovery.

Provisioning client and server
  • Added a new service for auto setup of new installations.

    A standard Abilis CF can be equipped with a special configuration file called PROVISIO.CFG so that when it's booted the first time it will contact the servers defined in PROVISIO.CFG to retrieve the proper configuration (DRIVERS.CFG) and licence (LICENCE-.....TXT) based on device serial number identification (ABILIS-ID).

    The PROVISIO.CFG has to be prepared in advance by technicians, according to the need of the organization, and copied in all factory CF prepared for the organization in place of the DRIVERS.CFG and DRIVERS.BCK.

    The D I of a new CF prepared for provisioning looks like this:

    [17:18:22] ABILIS_202:d i
    File           Version   Date         Time             Size   Note
    CPX.RTB        .......   31/10/2018   13:16:50      7107337
    BM.RTB         2053      31/10/2018   13:16:48       283094
    DRIVERS.CFG    .......   ..........   ........   ..........   Not found
    DRIVERS.BCK    .......   ..........   ........   ..........   Not found
    PROVISIO.CFG   8.7       05/11/2018   12:52:06        38912   Ok
    The default configuration of PROVC has the path appropriate for use with the Abilis provisioning server (PROVS) that is running on another Abilis of the organization, however PROVC can be configured for any HTTPS server:

    [17:16:15] ABILIS_CPX:d p provc
    RES:ProvC ---------------------------------------------------------------------
           LOG:DS          SRCADD:OUT-IP                      TOS:0-N      PROT:SSL
           PROC-RTY-DELAY:600        CONN-RTY-DELAY:60        RESP-WAIT-TIME:60
    [17:16:20] ABILIS_CPX:d p provc ?
    ProvC resource parameter(s):
    DESCR:     Resource description.
               Max 79 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str1 str2").
    LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
               (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
                T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
    SRCADD:    Source IP address for outgoing connections
               [R-ID, OUT-IP, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    TOS:       TOS or DS field:
               - p-t: PRECEDENCE-TOS, 'p' [0..7], 't' [N, D, T, R, C]
               - bbbbbb: DS value bit by bit, 'b' [0, 1]
    PROT:      Select the transport type [SSL]                           <ReadOnly>
    PROC-RTY-DELAY: Delay between subsequent procedure reties [1..3600 sec].
               NOTE: There is no limit to retry attempts.
    CONN-RTY-DELAY: Delay between subsequent reconnections [1..3600 sec].
               NOTE: There is no limit to reconnection attempts.
    RESP-WAIT-TIME: Minimal delay between submission of a request and its completion
               [1..3600 sec]
    SERVER1:   1st provisioning server IP address [1-126.x.x.x,,
               128-223.x.x.x] or FQDN name of max 64 characters in the range
               ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ]. FQDN name is forced to lower case.
    PORT1:     Port to be used for 1st provisioning server [AUTO, 1..65535]
    PATH1:     Virtual path for 1st provisioning server
               Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "/sys/My path/")
    SERVER2:   2nd provisioning server IP address [1-126.x.x.x,,
               128-223.x.x.x] or FQDN name of max 64 characters in the range
               ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ]. FQDN name is forced to lower case.
    PORT2:     Port to be used for 2nd provisioning server [AUTO, 1..65535]
    PATH2:     Virtual path for 2nd provisioning server
               Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "/sys/My path/")
    SERVER3:   3rd provisioning server IP address [1-126.x.x.x,,
               128-223.x.x.x] or FQDN name of max 64 characters in the range
               ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', '-', '.' ]. FQDN name is forced to lower case.
    PORT3:     Port to be used for 3rd provisioning server [AUTO, 1..65535]
    PATH3:     Virtual path for 3rd provisioning server
               Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "/sys/My path/")
    [17:21:27] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Added a new web service to be used as a simple provisioning server, basically intended for small organizations.

    This is the default configuration after A RES:PROVS.

    [17:33:44] ABILIS_CPX:d p provs
    RES:ProvS ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:Abilis_provisioning_server
           LOG:DS                   ACT:YES
           IPSRC:*                  IPSRCLIST:#
    [17:33:47] ABILIS_CPX:d p provs ?
    ProvS resource parameter(s):
    DESCR:     Resource description.
               Max 79 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str1 str2").
    LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
               (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
                T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
    ACT:       Operation activation [NO, YES]
    WDIR:      Directory where licence and configuration files are saved.
               Full path with drive letter ['C'..'Z'] terminated by '\'.
               Max 128 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "C:\My dir\").
    IPSRC:     Incoming requests: accepted source IP address
               [*, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    IPSRCLIST: Incoming requests: list of further accepted source IP addresses
               [#, IP/IR/RU/MR listname]
    [17:34:53] ABILIS_CPX:
    The web interface of the service, that is accessible from the Administration page, looks like this

    Figure: Provisioning web server

    Provisioning web server

    For each ABILIS-ID the service permits the provisioning of ONE licence files and ONE or MORE configuration files, one for each major.minor version (e.g. for 8.7.x, 8.8.x, 8.9.x, ...).

    The remote Abilis will fetch the licence file and the configuration file corresponding to its major.minor version.

    The licence file to be uploaded must have the exact filename, e.g. LIC1-0001800206.TXT in the example

    The configuration file can uploaded either with the exact file name, e.g. CFG87-0001800206.CFG in the example, or with ANY *.CFG name. In this second case the ABILIS-ID will be requested when uploading the file to complete the creation of the filename for the storage. In both cases the file is verified to be a valid DRIVERS.CFG file.

Lan Monitor
  • Added a new service for monitoring of LAN attached devices.

    This service currently works only for devices on locally attached LAN, LAN-PT, VIRTUAL over LAN/LAN-PT, using ARP polling.

    An alarm can be enabled for each monitored IP, currently only an SNMP TRAP can be triggered, however by means of ALARM service it is possible to generate emails when the alarm /trap) occurs.

    Example of IpMon diagnostics and configurations.

    [19:09:29] ABILIS_CPX:d de ipmon
    RES:IpMon ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    AnalysisUpTime: 0 day 05:47:17 (Sunday 07/10/2018 16:23:28)
    IP:              State: Time:            Down%: IpRes(St): Descr:
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  DOWN     0 day  05:46:59   100 Ip-1  UP       0 day  05:46:59     0 Ip-1       Manu  DOWN     0 day  05:46:59   100 Ip-1  UP       0 day  05:46:59     0 Ip-1       Leo  DOWN     0 day  04:50:59    83 Ip-1       Luca  DOWN     0 day  05:46:59   100 Ip-1  DOWN     0 day  05:43:59    99 Ip-1       cpx_luca  UP       0 day  05:46:54     0 Ip-1       Test_218  UP       0 day  03:07:31     3 Ip-1       cpx_manu  DOWN     0 day  05:46:59   100 Ip-9       TestVirtual_1.205
    [19:10:12] ABILIS_CPX: 
    [19:06:27] ABILIS_CPX:d p ipmon
    RES:IpMon ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:Monitor_of_IP_addresses
           LOG:NO               ACT:YES            ALARM:TRAP
    [19:06:29] ABILIS_206:d ipmon
    IP:              ALARM: DESCR:
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------  SYS  SYS    Manu  SYS  SYS    Leo  SYS    Luca  SYS  SYS    cpx_luca  SYS    Test_218  SYS    cpx_manu  SYS    TestVirtual_1.205
    [19:06:33] ABILIS_CPX:
    d p ipmon ?
    IpMon resource parameter(s):
    DESCR:     Resource description.
               Max 79 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str1 str2").
    LOG:       State changes log and alarm generation [NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL] [+E]
               (D: Debug Log; S: System Log; A: Alarm view; L: Local audible alarm;
                T: SNMP traps; +E: Extended Log of state changes, see ref. manual)
    ACT:       Operation activation [NO, YES]
    ALARM:     Alarm on IP address state change [NO, TRAP]
    POLL-INTERVAL: Poll interval [60..600 s]
    RETRY-COUNTER: Maximal retries on missing answer [0..30]
    RETRY-INTERVAL: Retry interval [2..10 s]
    [19:06:51] ABILIS_CPX:d ipmon ?
    D IPMON [filter:val]                        Display IP monitor table content
    Allowed filters:
    IP:        A single IP address [1-126.x.x.x,,              <Optional>
               128-223.x.x.x] or two IP addresses separated
               by ':' (colon)
    IP Monitor IP address parameter(s):
    IP:        IP address [1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    ALARM:     Alarm on IP address state change [SYS, NO, TRAP]
    DESCR:     IP address description.
               Max 32 chars. Spaces require double quotes (E.g. "str1 str2").
    [19:06:56] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                                     
    Example of ALARM configuration to receive emails on alarm (trap)

    [19:10:12] ABILIS_CPX:d alarm
    ID: |[DESCR:]
        |ENABLED:|RES:              |IO:         |TRIGGER: |ACTION:
        |DISA-USER:                 |DISA-SERVICE:
        |DISA-CDO:                  |DISA-CGO:
    0    YES      IpMon                           TRAP      MAIL
         - Mail -------------------------------------------------------------------
         SYS (myname@maydomain.it)
         SYS (#)
         SYS (STANDARD)
    [19:12:39] ABILIS_CPX:      

  • Added WEB interface for the Lan Monitor service.

    The service is accessible from the Administration pages, Lan Monitor icon.

    Figure: Lan Monitor example

    Lan Monitor example

AIPT2 VPN monitoring

  • In the Abilis home page the former "IP status" has been replaced by "VPN status", restricted to AIPT2 VPN monitoring.

  • This service is intended to provide an effective way to monitor the VPNs by providing various view:

    • Overview

    • Monitor

    • Maps

    • Individual VPN details: link and paths states, current traffic, round trip time, packet loss.

    • Retrieval of detailed statistic from remote Abilis (using AIPT2 NEIGH:x.x.x.x parameter as address of remote Abilis).

    • Access the IPMON (LAN monitor) on remote Abilis (again using NEIGH:)

    • View local system log filtered for the VPN under inspection.

    Examples of VPN status pages.

    Figure: VPN overview

    VPN overview

    Figure: VPN monitor (summary)

    VPN monitor (summary)

    Figure: VPN map

    VPN map

    Figure: VPN link state

    VPN link state

Ip Router
  • Extended IPRES range from 1..250 to 1..999.

  • Extended IPLB from 8 to 50 IPRES/GW for each IPLB.

Dhcp Server
  • Modified dhcp server service so that each subnet can be independently configured for SERVER or RELAY mode.

    The server and relay specific parameters are configurable and are shown in accordance to the configured MODE:.

    [18:07:26] ABILIS_CPX:_d dhcp lan:1 ?
    D DHCP LAN:xxx[,yyy,...]         Display DHCP subnet [1..128, A]
    DHCP Subnet parameter(s):
    NAME:      Subnet name.
               Max 32 ASCII characters. Space not allowed.
    NET:       Network address in DDN or network address and mask in Slash
               Notation [, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]/[0..32]
               or IP resource [Ip-1..Ip-999]
    MASK:      Network mask in DDN [,]
                                      <Only if NET: is not equal to an IP resource>
    MAC-FILTER: Use it to restrict the service to a list of MAC address.
               # or name of a MAC/RU/MR list type  [#, ListName]
    MODE:      Select SERVER or RELAY service for this lan [SERVER, RELAY]
    ---------- Server -------------------------------------------------------------
    POOL1..5:  IP pools.
               A single IP address [1-126.x.x.x, 128-223.x.x.x] or
               two IP addresses separated by ':' (colon) or # or AUTO.
               (E.g. AUTO or or
    PROF:      Profile [NONE, 1..128]
    DEF-LEASE: Default lease time of the IP address [60..1000000 s]
    MAX-LEASE: Maximum lease time of the IP address [60..1000000 s]
    ICMPCHK:   Enable/disable ICMP check before assigning an IP address [NO, YES]
    ---------- Relay --------------------------------------------------------------
    SERVER:    DHCP Server to which requests must be forwarded: IP address or
               IP list name [#, ListName, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    MAX-HOPS:  Maximum allowed DHCP Relay Agent hops in forwarded requests
    LOCIPADD:  Source IP address used for the requests relayed to the server(s)
               [OUT-IP, IP-x, R-ID, 1-126.x.x.x,, 128-223.x.x.x]
    [18:07:28] CABILIS_CPX:_                                                                                  

  • Added support for whitelist.

    Whitelist is a service that can be enabled for a specific set of clients, based on their IP address.

    For such clients the DNS will resolve only the domains in the whitelist.

    The whitelist is enabled using CP but domains are inserted using the web pages.

    [18:27:28] ABILIS_CPX:_d p dns
    RES:Dns -----------------------------------------------------------------------
           - Relay/Server ---------------------------------------------------------
           RELAY:YES                 relay-size:5000           RELAY-TOUT:10
    [18:27:38] ABILIS_CPX:_
    [18:43:02] ANILIS_CPX:_d p dns ?
    RELAY-WHITELIST: Enable/disable DNS whitelist service [NO, YES]
    RELAY-WHITELIST-CLIENTS: List of IP addresses that are subject to Relay whitelist
               service [ListName, #]     
    [18:43:04] ABILIS_CPX:_

    Figure: Web Filter main page

    Web Filter main page

Traffic analyser IP
  • The data storage of traffic analyser of IP data has been heavily revised:

    • File names and data structures have been changed

    • Files are written much more effectively. In previous versions whole file was rewritten at each interval, now only the new data is written, eventually overwriting too old data.

    • Files are CONVERTED on first run, more precisely if NEW file is missing and OLD file is present. After the conversion the OLD file is DELETED.

  • Added HTTP/XML interface for querying and retrieving IP traffic data. The interface is documented and made available for third party use.

  • Added "line load" and "top 10" pages for a simplified access to traffic of interfaces classified in four types: LAN, WAN, VPN, VPNW (VPN behaving as WAN). These pages are accessible directly from the main page.

    Figure: Line load example

    Line load example

    Figure: Top10 example

    Top10 example

    The classification is set by default when an IPRES is created and can be changed by the technician at any moment with the parameter TYPE: in IPRES.

    The TYPE:VPNW is intended to be used when an AIPT2 IpRes is used with multiple ADSL/VDSL2/LTE lines as "the Internet access". In this situation the "AIPT2 SDWAN tunnel" is not used to connect branch offices but to connect to an Abilis in a provider datacenter that then offers the final Internet access, and therefore this traffic needs to be separated from standard VPN traffic.

    [18:37:22] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ip-1
    RES:Ip-1 - IP over LAN (LAN) --------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:Company_Lan
           OPSTATE:UP              LOG:DS            STATE-DETECT:NORMAL  TYPE:LAN
    [18:37:23] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ip-5
    RES:Ip-5 - IP over PPP (PPP) --------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:VDSL2_Internet_Line
           OPSTATE:UP              LOG:DS            STATE-DETECT:NORMAL  TYPE:WAN
    [18:37:40] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ip-10
    RES:Ip-10 - Abilis IP tunnel v.2 (AIPT2) --------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:SDWAN_Multipath_Internet_Access
           OPSTATE:UP              LOG:DS            STATE-DETECT:NORMAL  TYPE:VPNW
    [18:37:50] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ip-20
    RES:Ip-20 - Abilis IP tunnel v.2 (AIPT2) --------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:Remote_Office
           OPSTATE:UP              LOG:DS            STATE-DETECT:NORMAL  TYPE:VPN
    [18:37:55] ABILIS_CPX:_                                                                                  

  • Simplified RIO/RVS configuration.

    Now the Netmask and the Gateway are automatically loaded from the IPRES where the device has been discovered, and can't be modified.

  • Communication between Abilis and RIO/RVS are now enforced using the MAC address of the RIO/RVS stored in configuration.

    In this way if another device with same IP address of RIO/RVS is connected to the network the communication between the Abilis and the RIO/RVS will not be disturbed.

  • Added support for a new set of RIO devices.

  • Added LOCATION: parameter.

    Used to insert geographical coordinates of the other side of the tunnel (lat,long). It is used to show place holders in the AIPT2 monitoring map.

    [18:00:21] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-11 ? LOCATION
    Ip-11 (Abilis IP tunnel v.2) resource parameter(s):
    LOCATION:  Geographical coordinates of the other side of the tunnel.
               Max 32 chars. Spaces require double quotes.
               (E.g. -26.1713505,27.9699847 or "45.4628328, 9.1076927" or 40.69,-74.26). 
    [18:00:37] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Added PATHSMODE: parameter.

    It allows a quick setting of paths for "ALL REDUNDANT" and "ALL BALANCED" paths, and of course also the default "MIXED" mode,

    [18:00:21] ABILIS_CPX:d p ip-11 ? PATHSMODE
    Ip-11 (Abilis IP tunnel v.2) resource parameter(s):
    PATHSMODE: Sets the behaviour of the paths [BALANCE, REDUNDANT, MIXED]:
               - BALANCE: packets are spread among paths to increase the bandwidth.
               - REDUNDANT: packets are repeated on all paths to increase reliability.
               - MIXED: paths with same MPx letter are used in REDUNDANT mode, and
                        mixed in BALANCE mode with paths having different letters or
                        no letters.
    [18:00:37] ABILIS_CPX: 

Ctir Router
  • Extended LCS service with TOUT:CB option.

    When TOUT:CB is used the LCS record is removed as soon as the callback of the previously called number takes place.

    The TOUT:CB can be set in CTISYS as a SYS default, as well as in individual routings.

    [17:53:24] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys lcs ?
    LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [NONE, CB, 1..999 hour]:
               - NONE: never delete unless the table is full
               - CB: delete on answered callback
               - 1..999 hour: delete after the specified interval.
    [17:53:33] ABILIS_CPX:                                           
    [17:54:01] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir ? lcst
    LCST:      Last Calling number Service records timeout [Sys, NONE, CB, 1..999 hour]:
               - Sys: use 'LCST' of CtiSys
               - NONE: never delete unless the table is full
               - CB: delete on answered callback
               - 1..999 hour: delete after the specified interval.
    [17:54:14] ABILIS_CPX:

  • By default the UHCI and OHCI controllers (usb 1.1) are not enabled. This can be changed by means of a new parameter.

    [17:49:23] ABILIS_CPX:d p usb
    USB    - USB subsystem ------------------------------------------------------
    [17:49:26] ABILIS_CPX:d p usb ?
    D P[E] USB                         Display parameter(s) of USB Server
    USB parameter(s):
    uhci-ohci: Enable/disable support of UHCI-OHCI [ENABLED, DISABLED]
    [17:49:30] ABILIS_CPX:

Cell Key
  • Added support for HUAWEI E3372 LTE device.

Traffic analyser CTI
  • Improved with retries in case of file occupied, this prevents possible data loss.

  • Added for NT the option to provide date/time in SETUP and CONNECT messages.

    A new section has been added in CTISYS to enable it for all NT ports.

    [14:08:52] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys
           - ISDN defaults --------------------------------------------------------
    [14:12:53] ABILIS_CPX:
    [14:13:56] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctisys ?
    ---------- ISDN defaults ------------------------------------------------------
    NT-PROVIDE-DATE-TIME: Enable/disable data and time in SETUP and CONNECT
               messages sent by NT ports [NO, YES]
    NT-DATE-TIME: Select LOCAL or UTC time [LOCAL, UTC]                 
    [14:14:10] ABILIS_CPX:

  • Updated SNMP MIB to support all new features in 8.7.0.

Bug fixes

All drivers
  • All bug fix up to 8.6.10 are included in 8.7.0.

  • Fixed a bug in ROLE:CLIENT that kept a PATH CLOSED when it's dependency (DEPx:) was removed and INIT issued.

Known bugs