Abilis CPX 2000, release 8.1

Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.1.2

Released on July 21, 2015.



Bug fixes

Virtual Office
  • VO-AP-CELL and VO-AP-VOIP user preference parameters are now ignored in calls from Abilisphone to Abilis.

  • Fixed problems in codec selections in VoIP calls Abilisphone to Abilisphone.

  • Added a protection that disables PS and CB if the involved number is not declared to be Abilisphone, i.e. AP:NO.

  • By default user-num is now created to be Abilisphone, i.e. with AP:YES.

Cti router

  • Extended logging of manual CT providing one event for each parent Session ID.

  • Fixed a bug in groups that prevented a correct port iteration.

    Due to a wrong cause/location handling the next port in group was not correctly attempted on failure.

  • Fixed handling of CTIR's SPOUT parameter in GItoC calls.

    The bug allowed usage of G.711 codec even when SPOUT was set to e.g. 8000.

  • Fixed a bug that caused system reboot in certain conditions when transcoding was used.

  • Fixed a bug that caused system reboot when P/R group port iteration required handling on in-band-info.

  • Fixed a bug that cause a failure in Call Transfer under some conditions.


  • Improved RCC procedure to better handle misbehaving SIP devices.

  • Fixed a bug the prevented DTMF to properly work with some systems.

    The initial DTMF marker was not set.

Call Logs

  • Removed "Action" column.

    Now action+rule are presented combined in the "Rule" column.

Known bugs


Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.1.1

Released on June 26, 2015.


Cti Router
  • Added session identifier in D CTIC[E] and D LDM[E]

    The SES identifier is used to track a call from start to end, including intermediate call forwards, transfers and groups.

    With the introduction of the new heterogeneous group the call ID used up to now proven to be totally insufficient for a useful calls analysis, the solution was to add a SES identifier which is created when the call starts and is preserved during the transit in groups and forwards and even with manual transfers, although with manual transfers there is a limitation.

    In manual transfers when the second call starts it is completely unrelated to the first call and therefore it starts with a different SES. Only at the moment of the transfer the resulting call inherits the SES of the older one.

    Please note that in LDM[E] the former Ses value is now present in Id, and the current Ses value is the newly introduced SES described above.

    Here are a couple of examples.

    Simple call forward
    Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
    ------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
    250615 185146 CtiP-101      33   33 E-DialRx       CH:1 BC:Speech CG:uxq5101 USER:leo
    250615 185148 CtiP-101      33   33 E-CallRx       CH:1 BC:Speech CD:ux5102 CG:uxq5101
    250615 185148 CtiP-101      33   33 E-Route Match  PR:15
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   33 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:TR CD:ux5102 CG:uxq5101
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   33 E-CallForward  RULE:ALWAYS USER:zorro
    250615 185148 CtiP-101      33   33 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux5102 CDO:ux5102
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   34 E-CallRx       CH:0 BC:Speech CD:ux5103 CG:uxq5102
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   34 E-Route Match  PR:15
    250615 185148 CtiP-103      33   34 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:TR CD:ux5103 CG:uxq5102
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   34 E-NumComplete  CDI:ux5103 CDO:ux5103
    250615 185148 CtiP-102      33   35 E-CallTransfer ID-IN:34 ID-OUT:33 T301:179
    250615 185148 CtiP-103      33   35 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:pippo
    250615 185148 CtiP-101      33   35 E-AlertTx      CH:1 PI: 81 88
    250615 185151 CtiP-103      33   35 E-ConnRx       CH:1
    250615 185151 CtiP-101      33   35 E-ConnTx       CH:1
    250615 185154 CtiP-103      33   35 E-DiscRx       CH:1 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
                                                       clearing) USER:pippo
    250615 185154 CtiP-103      33   35 E-DiscConfTx   CH:0
    250615 185154 CtiP-101      33   35 E-DiscTx       CH:1 CAUSE:80 90 (U, Normal call
                                                       clearing) USER:leo
    Multicast group
    Date   Time   Resource   Ses   Id   Event          Parameters
    ------ ------ ---------- ----- ---- -------------- --------------------------------------
    250615 190553 CtiSip        91   91 E-CallRx       CH:15 BC:Speech CD:ue59999 CG:uxq9002
                                                       SCG:leo USER:leo CODERS:G.711A,G.711u
    250615 190553 CtiSip        91   91 E-Route Match  PR:14
    250615 190553 CtiP-101      91   92 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:GtoV CD:ue1234
                                                       CG:uxq9002 SCG:leo
    250615 190553 CtiP-102      91   93 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:GtoV CD:ue1234
                                                       CG:uxq9002 SCG:leo
    250615 190553 CtiP-103      91   94 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:GtoV CD:ue1234
                                                       CG:uxq9002 SCG:leo
    250615 190553 CtiCl-3       91   95 E-CallTx       BC:Speech TY:GtoC CD:ue0521
                                                       CG:uxq9002 SCG:leo
    250615 190553 CtiSip        91   91 E-NumComplete  CDI:ue59999 CDO:ue1234
    250615 190553 CtiP-101      91   92 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:leo
    250615 190553 CtiSip        91   91 E-AlertTx      CH:15
    250615 190553 CtiP-102      91   93 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:zorro
    250615 190553 CtiP-103      91   94 E-AlertRx      CH:1 USER:pippo
    250615 190553 CtiCl-3       91   95 E-ProgressRx   CODERS:G.711A
    250615 190553 CtiSip        91   91 E-ProgressTx
    250615 190553 CtiCl-3       91   95 E-AlertRx      CH:74 CODERS:G.711A
    [19:03:57] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic
    SES  ID   Type Input    Output   PR  State  Cgi (Calling In)    Cdo (Called Out)
    ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ------ ------------------- --------------------
    91   91   StoG Sip      G32      14  ALERT  9002                1234
    91   92   GtoV G32      101      14  ALERT  9002                1234
    91   93   GtoV G32      102      14  ALERT  9002                1234
    91   94   GtoV G32      103      14  ALERT  9002                1234
    91   95   GtoC G32      CPXPBX   14  ALERT  9002                0521                                 
    250615 190604 CtiP-103      91   94 E-ConnRx       CH:1
    250615 190604 CtiSip        91   91 E-ConnTx       CH:15 NEW-TYPE:StoV CODERS:G.711A
    [19:05:56] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic
    SES  ID   Type Input    Output   PR  State  Cgi (Calling In)    Cdo (Called Out)
    ---- ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ------ ------------------- --------------------
    91   91   StoV Sip      103      14  ACTIVE 9002                1234   
    250615 190604 CtiP-101      91   92 E-DiscTx       CH:1 CAUSE:81 9A (LPN, Non-selected
                                                       user clearing) USER:leo
    250615 190604 CtiP-102      91   93 E-DiscTx       CH:1 CAUSE:81 9A (LPN, Non-selected
                                                       user clearing) USER:zorro
    250615 190604 CtiCl-3       91   95 E-DiscTx       CH:74 CAUSE:81 9A (LPN, Non-selected
                                                       user clearing)                      
    [19:06:08] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig id:32
    ID: [DESCR:]
        P:  S: R:                 |P1       P2       P3       P4       P5       ...
                                  |...      P62      P63      P64
        [Px:         CDO:  CGO:  SDO:  SGO:  RGO:  SP:  CODERS:  DJ:  MJ:  T301:  ]
    32  YES M  ST                 |101      102      103      CPXPBX   .
        - Details -----------------------------------------------------------------
        P4:CPXPBX    CDO:0521
    [19:11:34] ABILIS_CPX:d ctir pr:14
    Last change: 25/06/2015 16:37:35 CET
    PR |[DESCR]
       |BCI   |POI |SR      |GI |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
    ACT|NEXT        |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
    EDT|SP    |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
       |SPOUT |SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI                 |SGO
       |                        |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
       |TI1 .. TI5
    14  VOICE  *    *        G0  G32       59999                1234
        NO           ANY         NO   Dft  *                    *
        64000  Sys   *     *     Sys  Sys  *                    *
    [19:11:58] ABILIS_CPX: 

  • D LDM[E] filtering CG and/od CD is now much more effective because it is able to filter the whole call history by means of the newly introduced SES field.

    It is also possible to specify multiple SES and multiple ID.

  • Added command C CTIC SES:xxx.

Virtual Office / Abilisphone
  • Added parameters CB-AUTO-CDO: and CB-AUTO-CDO-TOUT:

    These are used in blind callback to call a predefinde number with no DTMF are sent within the timeout or if # DTMF is received.

    [19:18:22] ABILIS_CPX:d p ctivo ?
    CtiVo resource parameter(s):
    CB-AUTO-CDO: Blind Callback. This number is automatically called if the
               callback call goes active and the no DTMF are received within
               CB-AUTO-CDO-TOUT: seconds.
               It is also called if the first DTMF received is #.
               "#" or up to 20 digits ['0'..'9'] optionally preceded by TON [u, i,
               n, o, s, h, c] and/or NP [x, e, d, t, l, p] attributes.
               Omitted TON is set it to 'u', omitted NP is set to 'x'.
               When "#", the parameter is not used.
               See HELP ISDN ATTRIBUTES for details on attributes.
    CB-AUTO-CDO-TOUT: Blind Callback. Timeout for DTMF reception after which
               CB-AUTO-CDO is automatically called [0..10 sec]
    [19:23:13] ABILIS_CPX:                                                                               

  • Removed callback via SMS.

  • Removed parameters AP-SMS-NUM from ctivo resource and VO-AP-CB-SMS: from user preferences because callback via sms is no more possible.

  • Changed callback procedure, in conjunction with abilsiphone 2.6.

    Former procedure tried to establish connection with the AP prior to call the destination.

    The new procedure first calls destination and when destination reached PROGRESS with in-band, or ALERT, or CONNECT, it starts the call to AP. If destination answers before AP the destination will hear the parking tone.

  • Added Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. P31-DS3L into multicore supported list.

Bug fixes

Cti router
  • Fixed the dispatching of voice packet to SIP, IAX, DISA and AS when call to P/R group is made and providing inband alerting pattern. The bug caused the silent voice stream in that condition.

  • Fixed a bug that in cases of call transfer caused a software exception with subsequent system reboot.

  • Fixed the problem with mail notifications and call logs.

    When a CTIP, SIP, IAX, CLUSTER, VO, performs a call forward and the call is immediately rejected, the mail notification and the call log did not indicate that the call was forwarded

Control Port

  • Unlocked file transfer service just after transfer is complete instead of waiting for 'press enter'.

Known bugs


Abilis CPX 2000, update 8.1.0

Released on June 10, 2015.


Cti router
  • Unified name space for resources

    Unified name space is required to permit that the text shown in a field of groups or routing is self-descriptive of the referred resource.

    This unification applies to fields GI, POI, SR, OUT of Cti routing, and fields Pn (P1...P64) of Cti groups.

    Here are described the rules common to CTIG and CTIR.

    • n, nn, nnn (e.g. 1, 31, 101) identify Cti ports ISDN, POTS, VPOTS, CELL.

    • Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo, Vm, Vr, Mix, Sl (and Slink) identify special Cti ports.

    • Gn, Gnn (e.g. G1, G99) identify Cti groups.

    • PBX identifies a special Cti group made of ALL POTS and VPOTS ports.

    • Vsp-n, Vsp-nn, Vsp-nnn identify Cti virtual synchronous ports.

    • <auto-i> and <auto-o> identifies a special behaviour that finds a cluster by matching CD with the NUM/NUMx of the cluster.

    • 'clusterlist' in SR: identifies a list of clusters (list type EC).

    • G* identifies "all groups".

    • * in POI: identifies Ctip ports ISDN, POTS, VPOTS, CELL.

    • ** in POI: identify all Ctip ports, including special ones. Whole set is ISDN, POTS, VPOTS, CELL, Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo, Vm, Vr, Mix, Sl.

    • * in SR: identifies all clusters

    • # in any field indicates the equivalence of "NULL" value, with meaning that depends on the field itself.

    • a name of 1 to 8 characters in the range '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':', but excluding above combinations, identifies a cluster.

    Cluster names basically are made by 1 to 8 characters in the range '0'..'9', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_', ':' , but to support unified namespace we have to exclude the following combinations:

    • internal names used for special ports: Iax, Sip, Disa, Vo, Vm, Vr, Mix, Sl (and Slink), PBX. Case insensitive

    • names composed by just 1 or 2 or 3 numbers , e.g. 1,21,999

    • names Gn and Gnn with n=number, e.g. G1 and G99. Case insensitive

    • names G*, *, **, # . Case insensitive

    • Names Vsp-n, Vsp-nn, Vsp-nnn, used for virtual synchronus port. Case insensitive

    • names that start with < or '. Btw, < and ' are character already prohibited for cluster names.

  • In routings:

    • Changed layout

    • Added parameter GI:

    • Replaced POO: DS: with OUT:

    • Removed TYPE:

      The TYPE: is no more present in CTIR but it is kept in D CTIC[E] (connection diagnostics) to indicate the actual type of the connection. Please do not confuse TYPE:TR (TDM transparent connection) with BCI:TR (any BC value accepted).

    • Added BCI:

    PR |[DESCR]
       |BCI  |GI |POI |SR      |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
    ACT|NEXT       |LAST       |EEC |T301|CGI                 |CGO
    EDT|SP   |SC   |DJ   |MJ   |FMDJ|FMMJ|SDI                 |SDO
       |SPOUT|SCOUT|DJOUT|MJOUT|LCS |LCST|SGI                 |SGO
       |                       |BCO      |RGI                 |RGO
       |TI1 .. TI5
       |BCI   |POI |SR      |GI |OUT      |CDI                 |CDO
        TR     #   #        #    #
        DATA   Gn  Gn       Gn   Gn
        VOICE  G*  G*       G*   name
        Speech 101  name         <auto-i>
        UDI    *    'list'       <auto-o>
        RDI    **   *            101
        3.1Khz PBX               PBX
        UDI-TA Iax               Iax
        Video  Sip               Sip
               Disa              Disa
               Vo                Vo
               Sl                Vm

    In case of contradictory instructions, e.g. SP, CODERS for clusters, the priority order is GI,POI,SR.

    The field BCI: is used to match the BC (Bearer capability) field of the incoming call.

    The values Speech, UDI, RDI, 3.1Khz, UDI-TA, Video are the regular ITU values, while TR, DATA, VOICE are a shortcuts for combinations:

    • TR = any value

    • DATA = UDI, RDI

    • VOICE = Speech, 3.1 Khz

  • Added support for heterogeneous groups.

    CTIG now permits to use heterogeneous resources inside the group and another group too (group of groups allowed).

    Any of ISDN, CTIP, VPOTS, CELL, Sip, Iax, Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, Cluster, Cluster list (EC/RU/MR), another group (Gx), can be configured inside a group.

    For every resource in the group it is possible to rewrite a series of call related parameters that actually REPLACE the correspondent fields in the routing: CDO: CGO: SDO: SGO: RGO: SP: CODERS: DJ: MJ: T301:

    Special consideration for SP: CODERS: DJ: MJ:

    • when the group is used in POI: SR: GI: they replace SP: CODERS: DJ: MJ:

    • when the group is used in OUT: they replace SPOUT: CODERSOUT: DJOUT: MJOUT:

    Each group has space for up to 64 resources indicated with position 1 to 64 (P1 .. P64).

    Each resource has a set of parameters that CAN replace correspondent fields of the routing.

    If the parameter is <blank> the routing parameter is used.

    If the parameter is not <blank> the group parameter REPLACES the routing one.

    First part shows summary , only resource.
    Second part shows only entries that have parameters with value different from default.
    A group can contain another group, circular reference is checked and prohibited.
    CDO/SDO/CGO/SGO/RGO: when group is used in output it replaces CDO/SDO/SGO/SGO/RGO of the routing
             The same macros allowed in xxO fields of routings are allowed here.
             Same range as in routing plus <blank>.
             When value is <blank> the field is not displayed.
             Default = <blank>  (means no change, use routing field)
    T301:    When group is used in output it replaces T301 of the routing for that leg.
             Same range as in routing plus <blank>.
             When value is <blank> the field is not displayed.
             Default = <blank>  (means no change, use routing field)
    SP/CODERS/DJ/MJ: They replace routing SP/CODERS/DJ/MJ when used in input, 
                     or SPOUT/CODERSOUT/DJOUT/MJOUT when used in output 
                     Same range as in routing plus <blank>.
                     When value is <blank> the field is not displayed.
                     Default = <blank>  (means no change, use routing field)
    ID: [DESCR:]
        P:  S: R:                 |P1       P2       P3       P4       P5       ...
                                  |...      P62      P63      P64              
        [Details  Px:  CDO:  CGO:  SDO:  SGO:  RGO:  SP:  CODERS:  DJ:  MJ:  T301:]
    (0) NO  R  ST                 |Iax      Sip      Disa     Vo       .         
    1   YES R  'listname'         |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo 
    2   [Etherogeneous group]
        YES M  ST                 |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo       130      Tk8      Sip
                                  |Vm       Mix      
        - Details -----------------------------------------------------------------
        P2:103       CDO:* 
        P3:Antek     CDO:ux12345678901234567890  SDO:abcdefghijklmnopqrst  SP:64000
                     CODERS:G.711,Spirit,G.729,G.723.1  DJ:100  MJ:250 
        P4:102       CDO:'CDI.S2'  SDO:leo  SP:64000 CODERS:G.711  
        P9:Tk8       SDO:Tom  SP:6400  T301:30 
    3   [Etherogeneous group]
        YES M  ST                 |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
                                  |Disa     Vo       130      Tk8      Sip 
                                  |Vm       105      106      110
    4   [Group of Groups]
        YES R  'listname'         |G1       G2       G3       PBX      .        
    5   YES R  ST                 |101      103      Antek    102      Iax      
        - Details -----------------------------------------------------------------
        P2:103       CDO:ux12345678901234567890 
        P3:Antek     CDO:ux12345678901234567890  SDO:abcdefghijklmnopqrst SP:64000
                     CODERS:G.711,Spirit,G.729,G.723.1  DJ:100  MJ:250  T301:60  
    the Cti groups of 8.0 can be directly converted to 8.1, leaving all optional 
    parameters to their default value <blank>.

    [12:49:39] ABILIS_CPX:d ctig ?
    ID:        CTI group identifier.                                     <Optional>
               One value in the range [0..32] or a range of values 'xx-yy'
               or a list of values 'xx,yy,...' separated by ',' (comma) or
               "A" or "ALL".
    CTI group parameter(s):
    DESCR:     Entry description. From 0 up to 70 Alphanumeric extended
               characters. Case is preserved. Spaces are allowed.
               Strings holding spaces must be written between quotation
               marks (E.g. "str1 str2").
               Note: it is displayed only when not empty.
    P:         Enable/disable the group for call pickup [YES, NO]
    S:         Positions scanning method [R, P, M]
    R:         Rule used in evaluating failure reasons [ST=Standard,
               IN=Internal, UN=Unconditional, EU=End-User] or the name of an
               ICAUSE/RU/MR list between single quotes (E.g.: EU or 'my_list').
    Pxx:       Input/output port/group/cluster [# or NONE, 1..600, Iax, Sip,
               Disa, Vo, Vm, Mix, G1..G32, PBX cluster name or EC/RU/MR list name between
               single quotes]
               The cluster name must correspond to an existing CTI cluster.
               The list name must correspond to an existing EC/RU/MR list.
    - Output only -----------------------------------------------------------------
    The parameters of this section replace the correspondent parameters of the 
    routing when the group is configured in OUT: field of the routing, and when 
    they are enabled.
    A parameter is enabled by setting a valid value (e.g. CDO:123) and is 
    disabled by setting an empty value (e.g. CDO: ).
    CDO:       See routing help for range. Set "CDO:" to disable and hide.  
    SDO:       See routing help for range. Set "SDO:" to disable and hide.
    CGO:       See routing help for range. Set "CGO:" to disable and hide.
    SGO:       See routing help for range. Set "SGO:" to disable and hide.
    RGO:       See routing help for range. Set "RGO:" to disable and hide.
    T301:      See routing help for range. Set "T301:" to disable and hide.
    - Input or Output -------------------------------------------------------------
    The parameters of this section replace the correspondent parameters of the 
    routing when the group is configured in any of GI:/POI:/SR: and OUT: fields of
    the routing, and when they are enabled.
    A parameter is enabled by setting a valid value (e.g. SP:6400) and is 
    disabled by setting an empty value (e.g. SP: )
    For GI:/POI:/SR: the correspondent parameters are SP:/CODERS:/DJ:/MJ: .
    For OUT: the correspondent parameters are SPOUT:/CODERSOUT:/DJOUT:/MJOUT: .
    SP:        See routing help for range. Set "SP:" to disable and hide.
    CODERS:    See routing help for range. Set "CODERS:" to disable and hide.
    DJ:        See routing help for range. Set "DJ:" to disable and hide.
    MJ:        See routing help for range. Set "MJ:" to disable and hide.
    [12:49:56] ABILIS_CPX:
  • Configuration conversion from 8.0 to 8.1.

    The configuration are converted in a way that the behaviour of 8.0 is preserved in 8.1.

    Just note for the conversion of former *toX routings: they are converted by adding the special group G0 in the GI. This is required because up to 8.0 the resources Disa, Sip, Iax, Vo were ALWAYS included in *toX routing types.

  • Connections diagnostics.

    The new heterogeneous group architecture introduces an intermediate layer when the group is involved, regardless of the call being unicast or multicast.

    This intermediate layer is removed when the call is connected or when the routing fails.

    For this reason you will see two or more connections up to the ALERT state, XtoG and GtoX, which will be replaced by the final one upon connection.

    The TYPE: is no more present in CTIR but it is kept in D CTIC[E] (connection diagnostics) to indicate the actual type of the connection. Please do not confuse TYPE:TR (TDM transparent connection) with BCI:TR (any BC value accepted).

    Here is an example of a multicast heterogeneous group

    Before answer
    [17:00:09] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic
    ID   Type Input    Output   PR  State  Cgi (Calling In)    Cdo (Called Out)
    ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ------ ------------------- --------------------
    5    VtoG 104      G1       9   ALERT  04
    6    GtoV G1       101      9   ALERT  
    7    GtoV G1       102      9   ALERT  
    8    GtoI G1       Iax      9   ALERT                      60
    9    GtoS G1       Sip      9   ALERT                      79
    11   GtoD G1       Disa     9   ALERT
    After answer
    [17:00:09] ABILIS_CPX:d ctic
    ID   Type Input    Output   PR  State  Cgi (Calling In)    Cdo (Called Out)
    ---- ---- -------- -------- --- ------ ------------------- --------------------
    5    TR   104      101      9   ACTIVE 04

  • Accounting has been kept compatible by recording only ACTUAL type of calls, therefore the intermediate layer "G" (XtoG + GtoX) is not involved in ACNT records.

  • Because of it's structure the accounting has never been able to properly record the POO of group multicast calls that fails, it just reported one of the ports involved in the outgoing calls, typically the last one that failed.

    In version 8.1 the situation is nearly the same, the only difference is that a multicast call can now have also clusters, and more precisely:

    • When call is dropped by destinations, ACNT logs PO or DS of the last closed call.

    • When call is dropped by caller ACNT logs PO or DS of the last configured resource that was active at the moment of the closure.

Virtual Office / Abilisphone
  • Virtual office has been improved a lot.

    • Different handling of prefixes. VO now fully resembles a local phone, thus outdial prefix (e.g. 0) must be entered by the user as it would do with local phones..

    • With Abilisphone: address book interaction (Ldap address book not supported).

      The AP user can use public and private contacts and add/remove/modify private contacts

    • With Abilisphone: ePresence support in combination with OPC

      OPC events are now made available to Abilisphone application.

  • Abilisphone compatibility.

    The first version fully compatible with Abilis 8.1 is version 2.5.0 for both Android and Apple IOS.

Ike / Ipsec
  • Extended support of up to 254 Ike hosts and Ike Cli.

  • Extended IKE HOST HASH: parameter with SHA2-256, SHA2-384 and SHA2-512.

  • Extended IKE HOST DH: parameter with MODP2048.

  • Extended IKE CLI ESP-AUTH: to SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512.

  • Lua engine update to version 5.3.

  • Added possibility to bind luasockets for TCP client connections.

  • Added support for user/personal home page.

    The default user/personal home page is located in C:\APP\HOME and can be activated per-user setting parameter HTTP-HOME-URL:SYS.

    Alternatively ANY url can be specified, either created on the local http server or present in some external server.

    When the user logs-in , or is already logged and returns to home page, it is being redirected to the specified home url.

    [18:37:33] ABILIS_CPX:_d useR:leo ? http-home-url
    HTTP-HOME-URL: User home page URL.
               "SYS" or from 0 up to 128 ASCII characters. Spaces are allowed.
               Case is preserved. Strings holding spaces must be written between
               quotation marks (e.g.: "/My url/my page.htm").
               When "SYS", the home page URL is "/sys/user/sharedhome/home.html"
               and "home.html" file will be loaded from PUB\HOME. But if a file
               named "home.html" is found in subdirectory HOME of HTTP working
               directory (e.g. C:\APP\HTTP\HOME\), this one will be loaded.
               The pages that are under the virtual path "/sys/user/home/" will be
               loaded from to the user directory, i.e. C:\APP\USERS\<username>\.          

  • Pages for configuring ctir are now javascript based.

Address book
  • Extended addres book capacity from 2000 to 10000 entries.

    The total Public quote and the per-user Private quote can be specified with parameters in ctisys, address-book section.

    [18:42:46] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ctisys Addrbook
    RES:CtiSys --------------------------------------------------------------------
    Run    DESCR:CTI_System_general_properties
           - Address Book ---------------------------------------------------------
           ADDRBOOK-PUB-MAX:2000               ADDRBOOK-PUB-PROTECTED:NO
    [18:42:57] ABILIS_CPX:_d p ctisys Addrbook ?
    D P [RES:]CTISYS [<section>]      Display parameter(s) of the CtiSys resource
    ADDRBOOK-PUB-MAX: Maximum allowed number of PUBLIC contacts in Abilis
               Address Book [0..10000]
                                <Only for ADDRBOOK-SOURCE equal to ABILIS-ADDRBOOK>
    ADDRBOOK-PRIV-MAX: Maximum allowed number of individual user PRIVATE contacts
               in Abilis Address Book [0..10000]
                                <Only for ADDRBOOK-SOURCE equal to ABILIS-ADDRBOOK>
    [18:43:06] ABILIS_CPX:_                                                                   

  • Improved the caching mechanism of address book data.

    May improve performances on remote connections.

  • Added audio support for new GSM/UMTS/LTE dongle.

    It requires the dongle with the properly updated firmware.

  • Added 'cxEthStAutoInit' variable to cxEthStTable. Updated MIB and html document.

  • Updated CELL cti ports diagnostics: replaced CellModel_MajorVer/CellModel_MinorVer variables usage with CellModel_Ver string.

  • Updated MIB and html document. Fixed '-Wconversion-null' warning in mib_ip.cpp and min_rip2.cpp (false was returned instead of NULL).

  • Removed support of obsolete 'cxCtiPoDgGsmTable' and 'cxCtiPoStGsmTable' added two new tables for CELL cti ports statistics and diagnostics: 'cxCtiPoCellDgTable' and 'cxCtiPoCellStTable'. Updated MIB. Not updated html document.

Bug fixes

  • All bugfixes up to 8.0.4 are included in 8.1.0.

Known bugs

Mail Notifications, call logs
  • When a CTIP, SIP, IAX, CLUSTER, VO, performs a call forward and the call is immediately rejected, the mail notification and the call log do not indicate that the call was forwarded.

  • When a group is involved the correlation between XtoG and GtoX legs is not visible.