The Frame Relay (FR) ports

Configuration of the fr port
Statistics of the FR ports
SNMP traps generated for the fr ports
SNMP traps generated for the DLCIs of the FR ports

Configuration of the FR port top

The Frame Relay ports are labelled within the Abilis CPX by the acronym "FR" and they are provided with the parameters described in this section.

Here is an example on how to display the FR port parameters. Shown values are the default ones:

[15:03:33] ABILIS_CPX: D P PO:101 .

PO:101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
FR     LOG:DS      lowpo:1     SIDE:USER-UNI     header:2  pvc:1   STD:ANSI    
       LMI:NO      LMIBAL:NO   AR:64000    
       T391:10     T392:15     N391:6            N392:3    N393:4    

To activate changes made on the parameters displayed by low case characters, it is needed to restart the system; on the contrary for activating changes made on high case parameters it is enough to execute the initialization command INIT PO:. Changes made on the parameter LOG: are immediately active.

Detail of the FR port parameters

LOG: Events logging activation and generation of alarm signals
DS NO, D, S, A, L, T, ALL, +E

Usually this parameter makes possible to activate/deactivate logging functionalities of meaningful events of the port as well as the detection and signalling of alarms in case of critical events.

The following table shows the available options and the related functionalities usable by the parameter:

Option Meaning
D Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in Debug Log
S Recording of the driver state changes and/or the meaningful events in the System Log
A Periodic detection of possible alarms. The detected alarms can be displayed the command ALARM VIEW or by the analogous command available on the UTILITY of the LCD display on the front panel
L On alarm detection, acoustic signal generation plus a message on the LCD display. This function depends on activation of alarms detection by the "A" option
T Generation by the Agent SNMP of Abilis CPX of SNMP traps corresponding to any change of the driver state and/or occurring of meaningful events

Beside the already described options the following values are also allowed:

Option Meaning
NO It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are disabled.
ALL It means that all the logging functionalities, alarms detection and generation, above mentioned, are enabled.
+E This option added to one or more of the previous ones, extends its (their) set of meaningful events.
The value "ALL+E" activates all the options and extends the set of meaningful events.
The value "NO+E" is meaningless so it is ignored.

Options can be combined together.

Some examples:

By using the characters "+" and "-" as prefix of one or more options is possible to add or delete one or more functionalities without setting from the scratch the value of the parameters.

Some examples:

warning! The changes made on this parameter are immediately activated, without the need of initialization commands.

LOWPO: Identifier of the Abilis CPX lower level port
NONE 1 - 999, NONE

It sets the Abilis CPX lower level port. It can only be a SYNC or MLM port.

Value "NONE" isolates the FR port.

SIDE: FR port behaviour

It sets how the FR port behaves.

If the parameter is set to "USER-UNI", the port will behave as user side of the User-to-Network (UNI) connection.

If the parameter is set to "NETWORK-UNI", the port will behave as network side of the User-to-Network (UNI) connection.

HEADER: Header length
2 2 - 4 in bytes

It sets the header size (bytes) whose value must match the one of the connected device.

Changes of the header will modify the DLCI valid values:

Header length DLCI valid values
2 bytes 16 - 991
3 bytes 1024 - 63487
4 bytes 131072 - 8126463

PVC: Number of permanent channels
1 0 - 64

This parameter set the number of permanent channels (PVC), therefor the DLCIs, that the FR port allows to use at the same time.

AR: Access rate
64000 19200 - 2500000 in bits/sec

It has to be set depending on the real line rate. Only right value can cause the proper reaction to congestion signaling, jointly with parameters CIR, BC, BE, CC, SC configured in MLM ports.

LMI: Activation of LMI procedure (Local Management Interface)

The procedure LMI allows, within limits, monitoring connection state through message exchange over the DLCI 0.

This procedure can be "monodirectional/unbalanced" or "bidirectional/balanced".

In the LMI unbalanced procedure the user side (USER-UNI) queries the network one (NETWORK_UNI) through periodic messages of Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity[ [1]] and Status-Enquiry/Full-Status [[2]], more exactly every N391 requests of LINK INTEGRITY it sends a FULL STATUS request.

In the LMI balanced procedure ENQUIRY messages are sent from both equipments and both of them must answer by messages of Status/Link-Integrity[ [3]] and Status/Full-Status[ [4]].

LMIBAL: Activation of the LMI balanced procedure (Local Management Interface)

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

If it is set to "NO", in spite of the "bidirectional/balanced" procedure, the "monodirectional/unbalanced" on will be used.

STD: Standard protocol selection

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

It selects the standard protocol between ANSI Annex-D and ITU/CCITT X.36.

T391: Delay between sending a Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity message and its next one
10 5 - 30 (in seconds)

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

T392: Timeout for receiving the Status-Enquiry messages.
15 5 - 30 (in seconds)

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

It sets the maximum time interval for waiting, after receiving a Status-Enquiry message, the next one in order to not consider it as an error.

This parameter is meaningful in the following cases: NETWORK.UNIUSER-UNI and LMIBAL:YES.

N391: Number of Status-Enquiry-Link-Integrity after which a Status-Enquiry/Full-Status message is sent
6 1 - 255

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

N392: Maximum number of errors during the LMI procedure
3 1 - 10

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

Jointly with the parameter N393, it sets the error threshold above which the link reaches the error state (LMI-DOWN).

N393: Number of events monitored during the LMI procedure
4 1 - 10

This parameter is valid only if the procedure LMI is active.

It sets the number of events to be controlled: on them it is based the number of errors set in the parameter N392.

If over N393 events there are N392 or more errors, the link reaches the error state (LMI-DOWN).

Statistics of the FR ports top

How to check the state and statistics of the FR ports by the command D S.

[15:03:33] ABILIS_CPX: D S PO:101 .

PO:101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       DLCI     State     Cong       MaxThr CurMaxThr  5sec-Thr-Out 5sec-Thr-In  
                                  StepConst   MaxThr%  5min-Thr-Out 5min-Thr-In   
                                       Step      Cir%  MaxFrame-Out MaxFrame-In   
       16       ACT       NO          64000     64000            40          40
                                        N/A      100%            40          40
                                        N/A       N/A            10          10
       FRAMES     |786        |778        |LMI-POLL   |84         |0          |
       NO-DLCI    |0          |           |LMI-F-POLL |19         |0          |
       LONG       |0          |0          |LMI-NOANS  |0          |           |
       SHORT      |0          |0          |LMI-BAD    |0          |           |
       CLLM       |0          |0          |N392_U_OVR |0          |           |
       BAD-CLLM   |0          |           |N392_N_OVR |0          |           |
       T392-EXP   |0          |           |

Extended statistics are available for FR ports too. Here is an example on how to check them using the command D SE:

[15:03:33] ABILIS_CPX: D SE PO:101 .

PO:101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
FR     --- Cleared 000:00:17:36 ago, on 01/01/1997 at 17:49:36 ----------------
       CHAR       |21         |5566       |FRM-D      |4          |4          |
       LONG-D     |0          |           |FRM-V      |0          |0          |
       LONG-V     |0          |           |FRM-C      |701        |693        |
       LONG-C     |0          |           |BECN       |0          |           |
       LOST-D     |0          |           |BECN-THR   |0          |           |
       LOST-V     |0          |           |FECN       |0          |           |
       LOST-C     |6          |           |FECN-THR   |0          |           |
       FRAMES     |812        |804        |LMI-POLL   |87         |0          |
       NO-DLCI    |0          |           |LMI-F-POLL |20         |0          |
       LONG       |0          |0          |LMI-NOANS  |0          |           |
       SHORT      |0          |0          |LMI-BAD    |0          |           |
       CLLM       |0          |0          |N392_U_OVR |0          |           |
       BAD-CLLM   |0          |           |N392_N_OVR |0          |           |
       T392-EXP   |0          |           |

As the following example shows, through the command D SE, it is also possible to display the extended statistics of the single DLCI.

[15:03:33] ABILIS_CPX: D SE PO:101 DLCI:16

PO:101 --- Cleared 000:00:18:11 ago, on 01/01/1997 at 17:49:36 ----------------
       CHAR       |21         |5758       |FRM-D      |4          |4          |
       LONG-D     |0          |           |FRM-V      |0          |0          |
       LONG-V     |0          |           |FRM-C      |725        |717        |
       LONG-C     |0          |           |BECN       |0          |           
       LOST-D     |0          |           |BECN-THR   |0          |           |
       LOST-V     |0          |           |FECN       |0          |           |
       LOST-C     |6          |           |FECN-THR   |0          |           |

The information "Cleared DDD:HH:MM:SS ago, at DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS", referred by the extended statistics, shows the time interval elapsed from the last reset of statistics (by the format "days:hours:minutes:seconds") and date/time of its execution (by the format "day:month:year" and "hours:minutes:seconds").

Detail of the state fields and statistics of FR ports

STATE: FR driver current state

It shows the FR driver current state.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Debug Log Display LCD
FR DOWN The FR port is not active due to errors signaled by the "lower port" dn
LMI-DOWN The Fr port is not active due to LMI procedure errors L-dn
LMI-UP The FR port is active WITH LMI procedure L-UP
BLIND The FR port is active WITHOUT LMI procedure BLND
ERR Software error. Contact Abilis assistance. NA

FRAMES: Number of received/sent frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRAMES shows the number of received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT) frames.

NO-DLCI: Number of received frames with an unknown DLCI
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter NO-DLCI (INPUT) shows the number of received frames with an unknown DLCI identifier.

LONG: Number of too long received/sent frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG (INPUT) is incremented every time the received frame is longer than the allowed value. The counter LONG (OUTPUT) is incremented if the upper level port, i.e. MLM, requests to send a frame, whose length is bigger than the allowed maximum value.

In the actual implementation the value of this counter has always to be "0", however if a different value is going to be set, please contact the technical support.

SHORT: Number of too short received/sent frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter SHORT (INPUT) is incremented every time the received frame is shorter than the minimum value. The counter SHORT (OUTPUT) is incremented if the upper level port, i.e. MLM, requests to send a frame, whose length is smaller than the allowed minimum value.

In the actual implementation the value of this counter has always to be "0", however if a different value is going to be set, please contact the technical support.

LMI-POLL: Number of LMI polling frames sent and received
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LMI-POLL shows the number of LMI (Local Management Interface) request messages of link state (LINK INTEGRITY) received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT).

LMI-F-POLL: Number of LMI polling frames sent and received
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LMI-F-POLL shows the number of LMI (Local Management Interface) request messages of complete state (FULL STATUS) received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT).

LMI-NOANS Number of unanswered LMI polling messages
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LMI-NOANS (INPUT) shows the number of answers missing to LMI (Local Management Interface) messages of STATUS ENQUIRY sent.

LMI-BAD: Number of LMI invalid frames received
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LMI-BAD (INPUT) shows the number of LMI (Local Management Interface) invalid messages received.

N392-U-OVR: Number of times the N392 parameter value has been reached (USER SIDE)
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter N392-U-OVR (INPUT) shows how many times, on the user connection side, the value of the error counter N392 has been reached.

N392-N-OVR: Number of times the N392 parameter value has been reached (NETWORK SIDE)
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter N392-N-OVR (INPUT) shows how many times, on the network connection side, the value of the error counter N392 has been reached.

CLLM: Number of received/sent CLLM frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CLLM shows the number of CLLM (Consolidated Link Layer Management) messages received (INPUT) and (OUTPUT) sent.

BAD_CLLM: Number of CLLM invalid frames received
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter BAD-CLLM (INPUT) shows the number of invalid CLLM (Consolidated Link Layer Management) messages received.

T392-EXP: Number of times the T932 time-out ran over
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter T932-EXP (INPUT) shows how many times the time-out, configured in the parameter "T932:", run over.

Detail of the state fields and statistics of FR DLCIs

DLCI: DLCI identifier
16 - 991, 1024 - 63487, 131072 - 8126463

DLCI identifier.

STATE: DLCI current state

It shows the DLCI current state.

Driver States Meaning Values shown in:
System Log Debug Log Display LCD
FR (DLCI) N/U The DLCI correspondent to this identifier is not in use nu nu  
DOWN The DLCI is not active because the lower level port is not "UP" dn dn  
LMI-DOWN The DLCI is not active because the LMI procedure shut down the link
IDLE DLCI idle state due to the "refresh" procedure. IT lasts few seconds id id  
NP The DLCI correspondent to this identifier is not present np np  
ACT DLCI is active AC AC  
ACT-NEW DLCI is active, it has been configured a short time ago
INACT DLCI is inactive in in  
INACT-NEW DLCI is inactive, it has been configured a short time ago
BLIND DLCI is active, but the LMI procedure is not in use BL BL  
REMOVED The DLCI has been just removed rm rm  
ERR Software error. Contact Abilis assistance. NA NA  

CONG: Current congestion level

It shows the current congestion level detected:

Value Meaning
NO NO congestion detected. CIR can exceed.
NORMAL Normal congestion level detected. CIR has to be limited
MINIMUM Minimum congestion level detected
MEDIUM Medium congestion level detected
HIGH High congestion level detected
SEVERE Severe congestion level detected
UNKNOWN System is not able to estimate the current congestion level

StepConst Value of the constant for the congestion level estimation
1..65535, N/A

Step Interval for the congestion level estimation
1..65535, N/A

MaxThr Maximum throughput (bit/sec)
0 - 4.294.967.295

It is, in bit/sec, the maximum throughput reachable according to the configuration.

It is mathematically obtained as CIR + BE/tc, where tc stands for the measuring interval (BC/CIR).

In other words, MaxThr = CIR ( 1 + BE/BC ).

CurMaxThr Current maximum throughput (bit/sec)
0 - 4.294.967.295

It is, in bit/sec, the maximum throughput reachable according to the current congestion level.

MaxThr% Percentage ratio between the maximum throughput and the current maximum throughput
0 - 100

It is the percentage ratio between the parameters value CurMaxThr and MaxThr.

Cir% Percentage ratio between the maximum throughput and the parameter CIR
0-9999, N/A

It is the percentage ratio between the parameters value CurMaxThr and CIR.

Values, smaller than 100%, mean the network is not providing the guaranteed service (CIR) and if it goes on, it means that, owing to a bad configuration, the quality of the FR network is less than the established threshold.

5sec-Thr-Out Output throughput during the last 5 seconds
0 - 4.294.967.295

It shows, in bit/sec, the output throughput during the last 5 seconds.

5sec-Thr-In Input throughput during the last 5 seconds
0 - 4.294.967.295

It shows, in bit/sec, the input throughput during the last 5 seconds.

5min-Thr-Out Output throughput during the last 5 minutes
0 - 4.294.967.295

It shows, in bit/sec, the output throughput during the last 5 minutes.

5min-Thr-In Input throughput during the last 5 minutes
0 - 4.294.967.295

It shows, in bit/sec, the input throughput during the last 5 minutes.

MaxFrame-Out Longest frame sent
0 - 2100 (in bytes)

It shows the length of the longest frame sent.

MaxFrame-In Longest frame received
0 - 2100 (in bytes)

It shows the length of the longest frame received.

Detail of the state fields and extended statistics of the FR DLCIs

CHAR: Number of received/sent characters
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter CHAR shows the number of received/sent characters.

FRM-D: Number of received/sent DATA frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-D shows the number of received/sent DATA frames.

FRM-C: Number of received/sent Link-Check frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-C shows the number of received/sent Link-Check frames.

FRM-V: Number of received/sent VOICE frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FRM-V shows the number of received/sent VOICE frames.

LONG-D: Number of too long DATA frames received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-D shows the number of too long DATA frames received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT).

LONG-C: Number of too long Link-Check frames received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-C shows the number of too long Link-Check frames received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT).

LONG-V: Number of too long VOICE frames received/sent
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LONG-V shows the number of too long VOICE frames received (INPUT) and sent (OUTPUT).

LOST-D: Number of lost DATA frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LOST-D shows the number of lost DATA frames.

LOST-C: Number of lost Link-Check frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LOST-C shows the number of lost Link-check frames.

LOST-V: Number of lost VOICE frames
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter LOST-VC shows the number of lost VOICE frames.

BECN: Number of frames with backward explicit congestion notification
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter BECN (INPUT) shows the number of frames with backward explicit congestion notification.

BECN-THR: Number of times the BECN frames threshold has been reached
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter BECN-THR (INPUT) shows how many times the BECN frames threshold has been reached.

FECN: Number of frames with forward explicit congestion notification
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FECN (INPUT) shows the number of frames with forward explicit congestion notification.

FECN-THR: Number of times the FECN frames threshold has been reached
0 - 4.294.967.295

The counter FECN-THR (INPUT) shows how many times the FECN frames threshold has been reached.

SNMP traps generated for the FR ports top

Trap own code Trap Mnemonic SNMP variables shown in the trap Description
37 cxTrapFrDown cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time the FR port driver leaves the UP state and reaches one of the states: DOWN or TXDISABLED or HALTED or FAILED or NEGOTIATING
38 cxTrapFrUp cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time the FR port driver leaves one of the states: DOWN or TXDISABLED or HALTED or FAILED or NEGOTIATING and reaches the UP state

Detail of SNMP variables shown in the FR port traps

cxPortIndex FR port which the SNMP trap refers to
0 - 999

This variable shows the CPX port number which the SNMP trap refers to.

cxPortType Type and description of the FR port which the trap refers to
0 - 4.294.967.295

This variable shows either the port type which the trap refers to (in this case FR) and the description eventually associated to it.

cxFrDiagState Current state if the FR port driver which the trap refers to
down(0), lmi-down(1), lmi-up(2), blind(3)

This variable shows the current state of the FR port driver which the trap refers to. The following table shows the correspondence among the state value stored in the SNMP variable and the ones obtained executing the command D S.

SNMP variable value Correspondent state of the FR port driver
down(0) DOWN
lmi-down(1) LMI-DOWN
lmi-up(2) LMI-UP
blind(3) BLIND

sysUpTime Elapsed time from the system start to the event occurrence
0 - 4.294.967.295 or "ddd:hh:mm:ss"

This variable stores the elapsed time (in cent of second) from the system start to the SNMP trap event occurrence.

This value is usually shown in SNMP consoles as days:hours:minutes:seconds.

SNMP traps generated for DLCIs of FR ports top

Trap own code Trap mnemonic SNMP variables shown in the trap Description
47 cxTrapFrDlciDown cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, cxFrDiagDlciState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR port reaches one of the states: DOWN or LMI-DOWN
48 cxTrapFrDlciActive cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, cxFrDiagDlciState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR port reaches one of the states: ACTIVE or ACTIVE-NEW
49 cxTrapFrDlciBlind cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, cxFrDiagDlciState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR port reaches the state: BLIND
50 cxTrapFrDlciInactive cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, cxFrDiagDlciState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR port reaches one of the states: INACTIVE or INACTIVE-NEW
51 cxTrapFrDlciNotPresent cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, cxFrDiagDlciState, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR port reaches the state: NOT-PRESENT
52 cxTrapFrDlciRemoved cxPortIndex, cxPortType, cxFrDiagDlciNum, sysUpTime The SNMP Agent of the Abilis CPX generates this kind of trap every time a DLCI of a FR is removed

Detail of the SNMP variables shown in traps of DLCIs FR ports

cxPortIndex FR port which the SNMP trap refers to
0 - 999

This variable shows the CPX port number which the SNMP trap refers to.

cxPortType Type and description of the FR port which the trap refers to
type - description

This variable shows either the port type which the trap refers to (in this case FR) and the description eventually associated to it.

cxFrDiagDlciNum DLCI number
16 - 991, 1024 - 63487, 131072 - 8126463

This variable shows the DLCI identifier of the FR port which the trap refers to.

cxFrDiagDlciState DLCI current state
not-used(0), down(1), lmi-down(2), idle(3), np(4), act(5), act-new(6), inact(7), inact-new(8), blind(9), removed(10)

This variable shows the current state of the DLCI which the trap refers to. The following table shows the correspondence among the state value stored in the SNMP variable and the ones obtained executing the command D S.

SNMP variable value Correspondent DLCI state
not-used(0) N/U
down(1) DOWN
lmi-down(2) LMI-DOWN
idle(3) IDLE
np(4) NP
act(5) ACT
act-new(6) ACT-NEW
inact(7) INACT
inact-new(8) INACT-NEW
blind(9) BLIND
removed(10) REMOVED

sysUpTime Elapsed time from the system start to the event occurrence
0 - 4.294.967.295 or "ddd:hh:mm:ss"

This variable stores the elapsed time (in cent of second) from the system start to the SNMP trap event occurrence.

This value is usually shown in SNMP consoles as days:hours:minutes:seconds.

[1] Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity: this message is used whether the link is working.

[2] Status-Enquiry/Full-Status: this message is used to query the other equipment the current state of all DLCIs it knows and at the same time it performs the same functionalities of Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity messages.

[3] Status/Link-Integrity: it is used as answer to a Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity only for checking whether the link is working.

[4] Status/Full-Status: this message is used for communicating to the other equipment the current state of all the known DLCIs and at the same time it performs the same functionalities of Status-Enquiry/Link-Integrity messages. If no DLCI is in the message, it means it is not configured.

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